January 9, 2025 Dear friends,
This is an update of our Ambulance project for the period of December 16th to December 31st.
Ambulance of Humanity - 2024Please click on the link below to view the patients we have helped in this period: In this period, we have done a 22,000 km service. The cost for this service is $32. We also have replaced the phone number on the car to make the font
bigger so people can read it easier (per patients' request). The cost is $10. Below is the summary of donations received and of expenses to-date:
The balance remaining for this year is $4109 will be carried over to 2025. January 3, 2025 Dear friends,
We were too busy with the Ambulance project and was thinking of skipping the Rice project this year; however, due the needs of the people in Vietnam at the current time, we will try our best to do a quick Rice drive. Tet will beJan 29th, it's just 4 weeks away, and we need to order rice and get the list of recipients together from each village. Thus, we only have 1 week to prepare everything. Therefore, we can only take donations for this Rice project up to this Sunday, Jan 5th. If you would like to participate in this project, please donate via PayPal or Zelle. Please email me for Zelle, or in person. We need to transfer the money to Vietnam by Sunday night in order to complete this project on time for Tet. We hope for your understanding. November 15, 2024 Dear friends:
This is an update of our Ambulance project for the period of November 1st to November 15th.
Please click on the link below to view the patients we have helped in this period: In this period, we have refilled the oxygen and bought 2 additional tanks for oxygen storage.
This helps us reducing the time waiting for the tanks to be refilled. The cost is $80.
Please scroll down for the report of donations received for the gas and driver fund, and the details of the expenses to-date.
November 7, 2024 Dear friends:
This is an update of our Ambulance project for the period of October 15th to October 31st.
Please click on the link below to view the patients we have helped in this period: There has been an increase in the number of patients per day because more people know about our service. Thus, our gas and driver cost also has increased in this period. Another increase is the gas for going to Thanh Phu's hospital. Per our driver, the $4-fixed fee for gas is too low. The update price is $6 for gas, and the driver fee stays the same at $4.
Below is the report of donations received for the gas and driver fund, and the details of the expenses to-date.
October 28, 2024 Dear friends / Các bạn than mến: This is an update of our ambulance project:
Our webmaster has come back from vacation and has uploaded the pictures of the patients that we have helped transported for the period of Oct 1st - Oct 15th to our website. Last time, we have reported the data in the email, but didn't have the accompanied pictures and description on the web. Here they are:
In a few days, we will be reaching the end of October, we will have another full report for the second part of the month by next week.
October 1, 2024 Dear friends, Per the villagers' request, we did change our ad on the car to white so our phone number can be seen easier. Pictures attached. We also installed a dash-cam for both front and rear of the ambulance just in case there is an accident, we have a record of what's going on. September 12, 2024 Dear friends: This is an update of the Scholarship project. Please scroll down for details of donations received for this year's scholarship program. And finally, a letter from Le Chan Dong, updating his health status. He said he has started working and thanked us for helping him during the most difficult time. Thank you very much for your continuing support of the Scholarship project.
06/02/24 Transferred to VN: $4550 September 8, 2024 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến: (xin kéo xuống để đọc tiếng Việt) We will have a section for the Ambulance project on the main page of our website. Going forward, we will continue to raise fund for the Gas/Driver/Maintenance project. Ambulance service for the sickly / Xe Cấp Cứu Tình Thương
August 4, 2024 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến, August 4, 2024 Dear friends: We have started the process to get all the permits needed (like siren permit) and finding
all mandatory things to get the ambulance running like road/bridges tax, registration tax,
and insurance. We also have lined up 4 drivers. Funding To Date 34950 Ambulance of Humanity Who do we help and in which areas? Where is the Island Villages and how far is it from Saigon city? From Saigon city to The Island Villages takes about 5 or 6 hours driving by car. This is the breakdown of time: from Saigon to Ben Tre province takes about 2 hours, then from Ben Tre to Thanh Phu district takes about 2 more hours, then continue to Thanh Phong commune, then to The Island Villages and the time is about 1 hour to an hour and a half depending on which village you go to. Which hospitals our ambulance will take the patient to? What is the on going price for ambulance service? Besides the cost of the ambulance, are there any other expenses to run this emergency service? This would be our price list if there were no funding for driver and gas cost: Going from the Island Villages to Thanh Phu Hospital will be (from 1 to 1.5 hours drive): Travel from The Island Villages to Ben Tre hospital (3 to 3.5 hours drive) Travel from The Island Villages to Saigon Hospital (from 5 to 5.5 hours drive): According to our estimates, we need about $1,000 in funding each month in order to provide this service completely free for all patients. How did we come up with this estimated number of $1000 per month: Who will be in charge of this ambulance project in Vietnam? How will this program be reported on our website? Date & Time Name of Patient Reason for call Calling from Hospital name Driver fee Gas cost Ngày & Giờ Tên Người Bệnh Bệnh gì Gọi từ Nhà Thương Tiền tài xế Tiền Xăng What type of vehicle will we buy and how much will it cost? The price of this ambulance type in 2024 is 909 million VND. The price of this ambulance is very consistent, there is no fluctuation like a regular car, every store gives the same price, and we can find this price on any website that sells this type of vehicle. This is just the price of the car, we also need to pay registration, siren permit, tax for passing through bridges and road, and insurance before the ambulance can be in service. We will notify you of the exact number and all expenses when the purchase is complete. Below are a few stores that sell this type of ambulance. Please click on the link to check them out. When you look at the price, remember that this Staria Emergency vehicle has 2 types, gasoline and diesel. With gasoline, the price is cheaper, 879 million VN dong. For diesel, it will be 909 million VN dong. We choose diesel engines because they are more durable and cheaper to maintenance. HYUNDAI STARIA CỨU THƯƠNG (hyundaiviethan.vn) Hyundai Staria Cứu Thương 2023: giá xe, thông số option - Kênh xe Hyundai (kenhxehyundai.vn). June 19, 2024 Dear friends: Ambulance service for the sickly / Xe Cấp Cứu Tình Thương
April 8, 2023 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến: We have updates for the following projects: Special project: Helping Mrs. Dang thi Mau and her son, Dang Van Chung with surgery cost. Notebook/Bicycle projects / Chương trình Phát Tập và Xe Đạp: Funding To Date 5250 March 10, 2023 Dear Friends: Please scroll down below to view updates of donations received to-date of the Notebook, Bicycle and Bridge projects. We are collecting donations for the Notebook and Bicycle projects until 4/15/23.
February 22, 2023 Dear friends, Concurrently, we are also collecting for our annual Scholarship project, and a new bridge that we will be building in this year. We will provide more details of the bridge as they become available. The reason for the early fund-raising for the college scholarship project is because we were always short and it has been a challenge to meet the numbers by the due date. 2023 - Notebook and Bicycle Projects New Bridge - TBD College Scholarship - School Year 2023-2024 Special Project / Helping the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled February 14, 2023 Dear friends,
February 6, 2023 Dear friends,
Finally, we have done with all projects in 2022.
All reports and pictures have been posted to our website.
Below are the links to the Elderly and the Rice projects that were just completed:
Thank you very much for lending a hand to make these projects possible. Last year was a very tough year for the villagers due to the lack of work. They are deeply grateful for our help.
Next projects in 2023:
Notebook/Bicycle projects: We are collecting for these 2 projects now until 4/15/23. Distribution will begin on the first week of May before the end of the school year.
Bridge project: We are planning to build a bridge, we have not decided on which one yet. We are reviewing the bridges that the villagers requested now. Once done, we will proceed with making a plot plan and will keep you posted. We are collecting for the bridge project now until we have enough.
Estimated amount needed is around 12K for 20-meter long bridge. The bridges that we have been reviewing are around 20 to 25 meters long. If you donate for this project, please also let us know the name you want to be on the name plaque. As we have previously shared, the name plaque is fixed size, we can only guarantee a name for donations $300 or more. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
We are doing year-end closing now and will send out a Summary Report for 2022 when done.
April 23, 2022 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến: This is a general update of the current and the next projects:
1. Notebook/Bicycle projects: They are all done. Pictures and reports have been posted to our website:
2. Bridges
An Hoa Bridge: will be completed very soon, perhaps next week. We have new pictures of the handrails:
Cau Mieu bridge: we have progress' pictures loaded and have updated the thank-you list:
We are looking for sponsors for the tips to workers. They are working very hard, and don't make much due to the rising costs in materials. We are done with making the name plaque, so donation for the tips will be documented on the sponsors' list on the website only.
3. Current project - Scholarship project: We are collecting for this project until
August 1st, 2022. If you would like to help out, please send in your check before closing date.
4. Letters from Students:
Attached please find the letters from the students, some needs extra help.
If you would like to help them, please let us know. We will have a link to all letters on our scholarship webpage.
5. Special Projects: All special projects requested have been completed:
March 8, 2022 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến: Due to the rising cases in Covid19 in VN, the schools might close early this year, so we decide to do bicycle/notebook distributions at the beginning of April instead of May. Thus, the closing date for this project will be March 31st instead of April 15th. If you would like to participate in this project for this year, please send your donation prior to this date.
If sending check to our mailbox, please put on the check at the top and on the back (where you usually sign your name): "For Deposit Only to NewHope2008 Account"
This is to prevent thieves from cashing the check because there were multiple attempts from thieves to open our mailbox at the post office. We are in the process of opening a new mailbox in a different post office. We will notify you when done.
The funding to-date financial update of this project is $2500.
**Other news: You probably have heard about the situations in Ukraine. Our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine and pray to God to help end this war. Some of you asked where to help, we found this link on CBS news, listing the organizations that are currently helping them. When open the link, please click "continue reading" to see the full list of organizations.
Please do your research before choosing one.
February 27, 2022 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến: Our next group project will be Distributing Notebooks and Bicycles for the needy students.
This project will be carried out on May 1st, 2022. We are collecting for this project now until April 15th, 2022. We are also collecting for the Scholarship project which will be carried out in late August. When making donations, please specify the project for which the fund should be used for.
January 8, 2022 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến: Below is the year-end summary report for 2021. It is listed by projects. As you can see, the only 2 projects that have balance carried forward to 2022 are the Bridge and scholarship projects. We will send out another email with details of the balance carried forward for these 2 projects and also the status of each project. Please note that the balance is computed up to 12/31/21 only. All donations received in 2022 are not included in here, but will be detailed in our next email. Thank you very much for your loyal support. Our accomplishment below speaks for itself. Hope it warms your heart. Yes, our hearts feel warm because we have warmed many hearts!
November 30, 2021 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến:
Our last annual project of the year is Food Assistance for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled. For this year, we will ask the village's volunteers to bring most elderly/sickly/disabled recipients to a common location in groups, and will hand out the food there. Afterwards, the volunteers will help take them home.For those who are physically not able to come, we will go to their house like usual.This will help make the distribution less time-consuming for our staff and will allow us to help more families. September 23, 2021 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến:
We have completed the scholarship project yesterday. More than ever, the students were deeply grateful because this was the time when they needed it the most. They and their parents have not been able to work in the last 2 months due to the lockdown. You can feel how much this scholarship really meant to them and their appreciation through their letters (will post to our website with the report of this project).
We will have the report of the awards ceremony, video clip, thank-you letters, and pictures of each student receiving scholarship loaded to our website soon (hopefully next week). This year we were able to pickup only 1 new freshman. Please scroll down to view the detailed financial update of this project. We also attached a thank-you letter from Hoang Van Nguyen on the bottom of this email. This was the high school student we met on our 2016-Vietnam-Road-Trip that said getting a scholarship from NewHope2008 was his biggest dream. We were deeply moved to hear that and have been trying to keep this project alive. This is his last year in college. He will soon reach his dream to be a Civil Engineer. We are sorry it's too much to translate. We also want to thank you for supporting this project so kids like him can still dream big who would otherwise have ended up with odd jobs and an uncertain future.
July 22, 2021 This is an update to all of our projects:
1. Bridge: We are done building the deck. What’s left are the handrails and connecting both ends of the road to the bridge. We had stopped since Saturday due to the lockdown, and won’t be able to continue until the lockdown is lifted. Below is the link to the bridge project. Please scroll down to the bottom to view the latest updates. 2. Notebook and Bicycle: We skipped this project this year due to Covid19. However, we did buy 3 bicycles for 3 needy students from the remaining budget we have in the account. A report and pictures of the distribution of these 3 bicycles will be posted once our staff gets the computer back from service. 3. House: The house of Mr. Dang Thanh Tuan’s family just got sponsored (by the Trần Đỗ family). We won’t be able to start building until the lockdown is lifted. The following houses have been completed. Lê Văn Lộc Ông Nguyễn Văn Bảy và Bà Hồng Thị Nhơn 4. Well: We got donation for a new well from Hồi Hướng Công Đức cho bà Ngô Ngọc Anh. We have just completed building this well for the family of Mr. Huynh Văn Kha. Beside this family, we also have completed the wells for the families below. Cao Thị Cúc Ông, Bà Chương Lụa Special Projects: The following projects have been completed. Report and pictures will be uploaded to our website after our staff get the computer back from service: Helping a sick child, Nguyen Van Khanh, $100, sponsored by Heather Huong Lam. Helping needy student, Cao Van Vinh, $100, sponsored by Suong Pham and family. Helping 12 blind families, sponsored by Mme Hong Tran and family. Helping Vo Thi Hang's family, $200, to have additional fund to build her home, sponsored by Mme Hong Tran and family. Helping Nguyen Van Gắng’s family, $200, to have additional fund to build his home, sponsored by The Cone Families. The project below will be carried out next week: We are currently holding the following donations, waiting for donors’ instructions: 6. Emergency Rice Project: **Current Project --we are fundraising now** This project will be carried out as soon as the lock down is lifted. Donations are being collected from now until 8/5/21. Since we are collecting for the Rice and Scholarship projects at the same time, please let us know which one you are donating for. 7. Scholarship Project: **Current Project --we are fundraising now** This project will be carried out at the end of August when most students have report cards and incoming freshmen have proof of college acceptance. We are currently collecting for this project. Estimated amount needed is $20,000 to cover for 6 new freshmen and existing students in the program. Since we are collecting for the Rice and Scholarship projects at the same time, please let us know which one you are donating for. Most students lost part-time jobs due to the pandemic and are struggling to make ends meet because their parents lost jobs, too. They really need help with their tuition payment this year. Please scroll to the bottom to read letters from students sharing their experience during this tough time. July 21, 2021 Dear Friends / Các bạn thân mến,
We will be doing our Rice project now instead of at year-end because Vietnam is having a lock-down for 3 weeks now in many counties due to Covid19. Many families are on the verge of going hungry. We are collecting for this project now, and planning to distribute as soon as the lock down is lifted.
If you would like to participate in this project, please send your donation by 8/5/21.
A ton of rice (1000 kg) costs about $600 now; it has been increase a bit due to the pandemic.
We will give each family 20 kilos of rice (about 44 lbs), so each ton can help 50 families.
We hope to have your support to help these poor families get through this toughest time. April 3rd, 2021 Dear Friends / Các bạn thân mến,
This is an update to our Elderly/Sickly/Disabled project. We started this project at the end of 2020,
but were just done loading all pictures last week. There is still one more thing that we still have not
finished, and that is translating the recipients' background to English. We are just half done, and will load the rest of the translation when it becomes available. Hopefully it will be ready soon. Also, attached is a heartfelt letter from Cao Van Vinh that we received today. He's a college student in his third year, majoring in Medicine. In VN, it takes 7 years to complete the medical doctor degree, so he has 4 more years to go. Students like him is the reason we still have the Scholarship project going. Our Scholarship for this year will be carried out in late August. We are collecting for it now. We hope to get your support. Last but not least is an update to our Bridge project. The village's leaders have started widening the
road on both ends leading to the Muong Duoc/Xeo Duoc bridge, making it ready for our project to begin. About emailing: When you make a donation to our charity, we will add you to our mailing list. The reason is we want to keep you posted on what we did with the money you donated, so you can see where it went and what it has accomplished. If you don't want your email on the mailing list, please let us know and we will remove it. Descember 1st, 2020 Dear Friends / Các bạn thân mến,
Hope you all had a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving! This is an update to our last annual project of the year--Food Assistance for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled.
Every year, we'd like to do this project once to help bring a little joy to the lives that almost have been forgotten by society. And it has been many years that our gifts have warm their hearts and brighten their days. As usual, our gift to each family will be $50, which consists of 50% in food and 50% in cash. We will carry food to each recipient's doorstep because they have difficulty in mobility and very hard for them to carry the food home. We are accepting donations until December 15th. If want to partake in this project, please send donation before this date.
October 23, 2020 Dear Friends, We have finally completed the Scholarship project for this year.
It took more efforts than previous years because we had to do it multiple times in order to accommodate all students. To-date, we have awarded all. There is one award picked up by a student's parent because he (Nguyen Thanh Truyen) had a car accident. We don't have the picture of the parent picking up the award yet. It should be posted in a few days.
Below is the link to the report and pictures of our Scholarship awards:
http://newhope2008.org/Scholarships/2020/scholarships2020.html Attached please also find a thank-you letter from senior student Truong Tung Vuong. This is just a representation of many letters we got. You can view them all in the link above. Also, this year, we have given the students some old but still very good condition clothes, ties, bags, etc., and had a raffle for them. You can view these gifts on the bottom of the report. The raffle went very well. We might do it again. Thank you very much for helping us making the scholarship project possible again.
Next projects:
The next project we will be doing is Food for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled. We will be collecting for this project starting now until December 1st. Each family will get $50 (1/2 cash, 1/2 foods). And because these are the elderly/sickly/disabled families, we will deliver the goods to their doorsteps.
We will update the donations received for this project in the next email. New Project: Building a bridge
We will be building the bridge below:
http://newhope2008.org/Special/2020/BridgeXeoDuoc.html We will be collecting donation for this project from now until we have enough to build. If you want to donate for this project, please also let us know the name to appear on the name plaque. We will have many names, please keep it short. If you don't want your name on it, please let us know, too. Just like the House of Humanity and Well of Humanity, the name plaque for the Bridge will have the same format:
Bridge of Humanity / Cầu Tình Thương
Sponsored by / Bảo trợ bởi:
< all the names go here >
Carried out by / Thực hiện bởi NewHope2008.org Built in / Xây năm <year of completion> Because we are collecting for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled and the Bridge projects at the same time, when sending donations, please let us know which one you are giving for.
June 1st,, 2020
Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến:
We have completed distributing the last 2 tons of rice. This was supposed be given to Son Dinh's church. However, we were informed by the church that everyone in the church just got help from another group with 15 kilos (33 lbs) of rice and a box of noodle. Not only that, every family in Son Dinh village got help the same, too. We checked other villages and decided to send these 2 tons to village Hung Khanh Trung B in Cho Lach instead. This village has also been badly hurt by the salt water and has not been helped by any group. We have updated the report to include the rice distribution in this village and the sponsors for it:
Our next annual project is the Scholarship project. We will be collecting for this project from now until August 1st. This is the only project where we need to raise enough fund to keep all the students in the program. In order to support all 35 students including incoming freshmen we need about 20,000. We hope to have your support. Below the to-date financial update of this project.
March 10,, 2020 Dear Friends,
As of now we have completed all projects in 2019. All houses and wells in 2019 have been posted to our website. If you have donated for a house/well and don't see it there, please let us know. All projects have been posted to our website except the Elderly and the Special projects. We should get everything done this week.
This year, we skipped the Notebook/Bicycle project. The first annual group's project of the year will be the Scholarship project, which will be carried out in August. The house and well are individual projects and anyone can sponsor for a house/well and it will be carried out right away.
The 2019 Year-End Summary Report is posted on our website under the tab "Financial Statement" for 2019. Our web also has a Comprehensive Financial statement report which has details from 2008 to 2019. I hope you will feel warm reading these reports knowing your gift has made a big difference in many lives. Thank you for your loyal support through out the years. Your loyal support has been fueling our energy to this day. October 7th, 2019 Dear Friends,
First of all, we would like to apologize for the delay in carrying out this project. The reason being was by closing time, we did not raise enough to award all students in our program. We were short of 5 students, so we had to start the selection process to see which 5 will be removed. This was a challenging process as almost all of them have the same hardship and it's difficult to choose. Then, miracle happened when two sponsors came to the rescue and offered to cover for all of them. So now we have enough for all existing students and began the distribution. There were no new freshmen, at this time, only students from Sophomore to Senior. Then, a week later, we got a call from another sponsor who offered to cover for 6 new students, and the grads students from VN also chipped in for 2 more new students. So we organized another award day to hand out scholarships for these new freshmen.
We are finally done awarding all students. All the pictures and thank-you letters from the students are in. We will load them up soon and will keep you posted when done. Thank you very much for lending a hand to keep this project alive. This has been a tough year and we have made it! Thank you so much for your generosity. As always, this is the toughest project to raise fund for and we are very appreciative of your generosity and understanding. Attached to the bottom of this email is the financial update of this project.
June 7th, 2019 Dear friends
This is an update to our Bicycle and Notebook projects. We are done distributing and have posted the report and pictures to our website:
There is a minor change to the total funds reported in the last email for these projects because we had received a few more donations at closing. The new total is $8760. Attached please find the updated financial report at the end of this email. Our next project is the Scholarship project. This project will be carried out in mid August. We are collecting now and hoping to raise 20,000 to cover for both current and incoming students.
We also have one more news to announce. We are planning to gradually scale down our organization. Our volunteers in Vietnam are getting tired and so are our staff here. We will have to discontinue some projects or to do them in alternating years in order to keep the workload manageable. We cannot keep up with our current 5 annual projects (Rice, Notebook, Bicycle, Scholarship, Elderly/Sickly/Disabled) and 3 year-round projects (Buiding houses, wells, special projects).
The two remaining projects for this year, Elderly, and Rice will be carried out as usual. The people from Daklak have requested for help with Rice this year. They said due to bad weather, their rice's harvest will be way below expectation. We will be collecting for the Elderly and Rice projects beginning September 1st.
April 22, 2019 Dear friends:
This is an update to our Notebook and Bicycle projects. We are closing the book today and below are the details of the donations received. We are currently working with the schools to decide on the amount of notebooks and bicycles needed for each and will keep you posted when the information is available.
We will start distributing next week and are expecting to be done around mid May. We will keep you posted when the distribution is done and pictures are available. Thank you very much for lending a hand to make this possible this year. 2019 - Notebook and Bicycle Projects Funding To Date: $8015 January 27, 2019 Dear friends,
This is an update to our projects:. Rice Distribution:
The Rice project has been completed. Please click on the following link to view when you have a chance:
Next project - Notebook/Bicycle Drive: Our next project is the Notebook/Bicycle drive for elementary to high school students. Many students are still struggling to have the basic necessities for school. Besides a pen to write with, the other two most basic needs are notebooks to write on and a bicycle to commute as for many of them it takes a couple hours to walk to school.
It's our hope to help them to complete at least elementary school so they can read and write. If you would like to participate in this project, please send your donation before April 15th, 2019.
Facebook/Giving Tuesday Fund Raising: We have received a check for $16,449 from FaceBook (check's receipt attached). All of this fund was donated by our donors below. None of which was matched as F/B told us that our donations were received after the match ran out. Per their disclosure, the match ran out in just a few seconds after 5am on 11/27/18. Amount received from FaceBook: $16,449 These projects have been completed and the links are below:
Remaining funds carried over to 2019: (Funds were directed per donors' request. If donor did not specified any project, by default, donation will go to the Scholarship project): Laptop for college students: 3005 Special project to help orphanage children with cancer: 5000 Special projects (to be decided): 2500 College scholarship: 3344
We will have our Financial Statement for 2018 ready in the next email.
October 23, 2018 Dear Friends/Các bạn thân mến: September 11th, 2018 Dear Friends,
Our scholarship project for this year has been completed. We have distributed 36 scholarships on Sept 2nd. There are 11 incoming freshmen (3 of which are from technical school), 10 sophomores, 9 juniors, 6 seniors. Out of these 36, there are 3 medical students and 1 pharmaceutical student. Each of these 4 got $1000 and the rest of the students got $500 each. The reason for the difference was because tuition for the medical and pharmaceutical majors are higher. Please scroll down to view our to-date financial update of this project. We should have pictures of the distribution and a report posted on our website in a few week. Thank you very much for lending a hand to give these poor students a chance to change their future. Attached please find a file that has thank-you letters from the students. These letter will be posted on our website along with the distribution pictures. September 4th, 2018 Dear friends,
We have posted pictures of the food distribution and a report of the Elderly project to our website. Please click on the following link to view:
We have 99 of 102 familes, still missing 3. We are working on locating the missing ones. One of the 3 missing is a known case---from a recipient whose leg was amputated. He applied for help from the government to get a man-made leg. He finally got the help and been out of town getting this leg installed. His neighbors and relative begged us to wait for him. We will keep you posted when all missing ones are posted. Thank you very much for your patience.
Our scholarship project for 2018 has been completed. We distributed the awards on Sept 2nd. We will send out an email in a few days with a detailed financial update. Distribution pictures and a report of this project will be posted to our website in a few weeks. We also have videos of students giving thanks. They are deeply grateful for your scholarships. And we are, too, for your support of this project. This is the only project where we need to raise a certain amount of money each year to keep it going. Because of your generosity, we were able take in 6 new freshmen, 3 technical students, and award almost full tuition to medical and pharmaceutical students. Last but not least, we were able to raise each scholarship to $500 (from 400). This amount would be enough to pay tuition for most majors. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for helping us not only making this project possible this year again but also reaching a new milestone.
Our next project is the Rice project, which will be carried out in the last week of December. Closing date for this project is December 15th. Any donations received within this period without a request to be put in a specific project will be used to fund this Rice project.
August 20th, 2018Dear friends
This is an update to the Elderly and Scholarship projects.
Elderly: This project has been completed. We are working on translating the economic background of the families receiving help. We should be done next week. We will notify you when they are available to be viewed on our website. Scholarship: We have collected $14843. We need $15,700 to fund 31 students (25 existing and 6 new freshmen).
Each will get $500. We have decided to increase to $500 from $400 because the tuition has increased since we set on this number 10 years ago and $400 can no longer cover a scholarship. $200 to cover transporation cost for our staff to travel to each student's house to cross qualify them, take pictures, get grade reports, communication/phone cost, and also to arrange for the awards distribution. So we are still short of $857. (Our apology, last time we made a mistake in typing a number. Last time,we meant to type 5000 in the amount we still need instead of 500.)
Our awards date has been changed to Sept 1st because we still have not received college acceptance documents from the new freshmen.
Also, we currently have 2 students in Medical school: Tran Van Lieu (2nd year) and Ho Hoang Binh (7th year) and Tran Thao Vy (2nd year) in Pharmacy field. The tuition for these students are higher. If you want to give them extra, please let us know. And there are 6 new freshmen, we are still waiting for their college acceptance papers to identify their major.
And last but not least, there are many students who wanted to go to Technical college and asked for our help. These are the students who either not make it to the traditional 4-yr college due to lower test scores or whose families are too poor and cannot support them for that long time. Our scholarship is just barely enough for tuition cost, there are other costs like food, transportation, etc. that they have to worry about on their own. If you would like to support these students, please let us know, too. The cost is still the same $500 each. Technical college (đai học Cao Đẳng) is usually takes 3 years to complete. The cost is the same because although tuition is lower, technical school usually requires them to buy materials and they are very costly.
June 15th, 2018 Dear friends /Các bạn thân mến:
This is an update to our projects:
Scholarship: We are currently collecting for this project--closing date is July 31st. Including donations received and all pledges, we have $9025. We are still needing $6000 more to fund this project.
House and well buiding: We try our best to notify you by mail when your sponsored house or well is completed, but just in case you have not been notified, you can check our website anytime for status: Food Assistance for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled: We will be carrying out this project in the beginning of July. Below is the to-date donations received for this project:
May 8th, 2018 Dear friends, We have completed the Notebook and Bicycle projects for this year. Report and pictures have been loaded to our website. Please take a look when you have a chance. Seeing the happy children enjoying these gifts of love will warm your hearts:
http://newhope2008.org/Notebooks/2018/notebooks2018.html Our next two projects are:
Food Assistance for the Elderly, Sickly, and Disabled: This project will be carried out in the first week of July. We are collecting for this project from now until June 30th, 2018. College Scholarship: This project will be carried out around mid August after the students get the result from their college entrance exams. We are collecting for this project starting now until August 15th, 2018. It is our hope to bring our budget up to 15,000 in order to help existing students in our program (level sophomore to senior) and 6 more new freshmen. Currently we have $5175. Of the 6 annual projects that we have, this is the one that could open the horizon to one's life, change one's future for good and eventually the society around him/her. As you have seen in the past 10 years, we've got more than 30 graduates, and they have escaped poverty. We hope to have your support for these struggling college students. March 10th, 2018 Dear friends,
This is an update to our projects:
Houses and Wells: We have just loaded more families on the waiting list for 2018
Special projects: The following projects have been done and will be posted shortly:
- New clothes for needy students: - Help for 2 students to continue school Phan Huynh Nhu and Phan Ngoc Han
- Help for a sickly youngster Phan Van Khanh Notebook and Bicycle: These projects will be carried out in April as scheduled. We have started our verifying process for the students needing a bicycle. We took a proposed list from each school and go to each student's house to take picture and check out their family's status. This year, besides Ben Tre, we have received calls from schools in districts Tay Ninh, Tra Vinh, and Vinh Long asking for help especially with bicycles. We are hoping to have enough to give each area 20 bicycles. If you would like to help, please send your donation by March 31st, 2018 so we can carry out these project before the school year ends so the needy students know that they have the bicycles/notebooks for next year. It is our hope that each student has a chance to complete elementary school so they can at least read and write.
Below is our to-date financial update of these project:
February 1st, 2018 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến, Our rice distribution has been completed. All pictures and report have been posted to our website: http://newhope2008.org/Rices/2018/rice2017.html Our first project of 2018 is the Notebook and Bicycle drive. We are planning to carry out this project in mid April before the exam season. Most students end the school year after the exam. Thus, we want them to know that they have the notebook/bicycle needed for next year so they don't quit school for the reason of lacking these necessities. Most elementary schools in these deep country regions only have classes up to 2nd or 3rd grade. To go to a higher grade, the students must go to another school in a different village, and for these, walking to school would take a few hours each way. We hope to get these youngsters to finish elementary. If you would like to participate in the Notebook and Bicycle projects, please send your donation before March 31st, 2018. November 26th, 2017 Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến, November 22nd, 2017 Dear Friends: We understand some of you donated or donated more than usual because you wanted
to give to the flood victims. Now that the flood victims are no longer in need of our rice, please
let us know if you are okay with donating in the proposed areas above or if you want your
donation be returned. We will proceed with the return immediately upon request. Funding To Date: $5040 November 5th, 2017 Funding To Date: $ 2030 Oct 6th, 2017
2017-10-03 8:24 GMT-07:00 Tuấn Trần:Kính gửi quý cô chú hội Newhope, con là Trần Văn Tuấn, sinh viên trường Đại Học Xây Dựng Miền Tây. Hôm nay con viết thư này kính gửi quý cô chú lời chúc sức khỏe và thành công trong cuộc sống. Và sau đó là con có tin vui muốn chia sẻ cùng quý cô chú.
Oct 3rd, 2017 Special projects: August 12th, 2017 Dear Friends, Special College Scholarship for Đặng Thanh Tuấn (Master Program): This project has completed. House and Well Projects: Our current project: July 7th, 2017 Dear Friends,
This is an update to our Food Assistance for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled project.
This project is now being carried out. Because the recipients are not able to carry the food package on their own, we will deliver them to their door steps. Most of these families ive in places where there are no driveable roads, so for these, we have to park on the main road and go on foot and hand carry the goods to their home. Sometimes it takes an hour to go in and out.
Thus, it will take us about 3 weeks to make the round. We will notify once the distribution is done and pictures have been posted. Below is the to-date financial update of this project. Thank you very much for your help to make this project possible.
June 10th, 2017 Dear friends,
We are currently raising fund for two projects: Food for the Elderly and Scholarship. The Food for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled project will be carried out in July while the Scholarship Project will be carried out in September. The closing date for the Elderly project is July 1st and for the Scholarship is September 1st. Below are the to-date donations' update of these two projects: Food Assistance for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled - 2017 College Scholarship - school year 2017-2018 Also, below is the update of student Dang Thanh Tuan's scholarship. We have raised $800 for him to complete his master in Thailand. He will be back in Vietnam
on 6/15. We will hand him this award then and will have pictures of the distribution and his thank-you letter posted on our website after that. We will send out an email
when they become available. Housing Project update: May 12th, 2017
Dear friends: This is a general update to our programs:
Bicycle/Notebook projects: These projects have been completed. All reports and pictures have been posted to our website:
Food Assistance for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled:
This project will be carried out the first week of July. We are currently collecting for this project until July 1st, 2017.
College Scholarship: This is the only project where we must have a definite amount in order to cover all students currently in the program. The scholarship project will be carried out in the first week of September. Because we are still short by a lot, we will be collecting now until September 1st, 2017.
This year we will have 6 more students graduating with bachelor degrees. This brings the total students completed college from our program to-date to 35.
Thank you all very much for lending a hand in helping these youngster with a future.
April 4, 2017 Dear Friends, This is an update to our Notebook and Bicycle projects. Notebooks: 14,280 total (7880 5-line, 6400 4-line) And below is our to-date financial update of this project:
Funding To Date |
5910 |
Details of money Transfer: |
03/21/17 |
Sent $5050, OC Services Receipt 03-21-17 |
5050 |
04/03/17 |
Sent $860, OC Services Receipt 04-03-17 |
860 |
Summary of Expense: |
Cost for 50 bicycles: $60 each * 50 = 3000 |
Cost of 7880 5-line notebooks: .20 ea * 7880 = 1576 |
Cost of 6400 4-line notebooks: .16 ea * 6400 = 1024 |
Transportation/Delivery cost: 250 |
Cost to transfer money to Vietnam: 60 |
Total expense: 3000+1576+1024+250+60 = $5910 |
Project Balance: 0 |
February 21, 2017
Dear Friends,
This is the last report of all remaining projects in 2016.
All these projects are done and have been posted to our website:
Toys for Elementary schools project:
Christmas Wish for College Students:
Special Project in Vinh Long and Soc Trang Counties:
We also made updates to these web pages:
Laptop Project: (Added a page that details sponsors' name and recipients)
Scholarship Project: (An update was made because 1 student dropped out and a new
student was picked up)
This update wraps up the year of 2016. Our first project in 2017 is the Notebook and Bicycle project, and it will be carried out in April. If you would like to participate in this project, please send in donation before March 31st, 2017.
February 13, 2017
Dear Friends:
This is an update of our projects:
Laptop Drive:
The laptop distribution for the school year 2016-2017 has been completed.
The report and pictures have been posted to our website:
In this report, we also have posted thank-you letters and videos from the students.
Housing / Well / Special Projects:
Since these projects are individually sponsored, we will send an email and a link to the report of that project to the sponsor upon completion. We will not have group update on these projects.
Toys Project and Christmas Gifts for 3 college students from December 2016:
We are working on these reports. They should be done this week.
Current Project:
Notebook and Bicycle: These projects will be carried out in April, 2017.
We are collecting for this project from now until March 31st, 2017.
Below are the to-date financial update of this project:
Funding To Date $2460
January 7, 2017
Dear Friends,
This is an update to our projects:
2016 Elderly/Sickly/Disabled: This project has been completed. All pictures have been loaded. We got extra funding for 2 more families at the end, so we were able to help 134 families in total.
Below is the link to the report and pictures:
2016 Laptop: Most of the laptop have been distributed. There are 7 more to be distributed next Saturday.
We will have a complete report and pictures loaded in the next few weeks
2016 Toys for Elementary Students: The toys have been distributed two days ago. The entire school was filled with joy. We will have a report and pictures ready in a few weeks.
2016 Christmas Wishes for College Students: This project has been completed. Three students got their wishes . Will post the pictures when they become available.
Current projects:
2017 - Notebook/Bicycle Drive: This is our first annual project of the year.
We are collecting for this project now until April 1st.
Special Projects:
1. While distributing for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled families, we noticed a family that is badly in need
of further help. The family #86 -Thai Van Tan Minh. Please let us know if you would like to help this family.
2. Additional tuition help for medical student Ho Hoang Binh. The tuition of med student is around $1000/year.
He will need more than our regular $400/year scholarship to go to the end. He got a total of $600 from us
this year and will need 400 more. If you would like to help, please help before the end of the Lunar New Year
(Jan 28) because he will be coming home for the holidays and it is easier for us to meet up with him.
Wells of Humanity: Vietnam is in the sunny season now. It is getting hot and will be very hot very soon. Many families are in dire need of a well. This is the time where building a well means a lot for the needy families even more than building a house because they are running out of drinking water. People need a house more in the rainy season. For those families that don't have a well, the money they will be spending to buy drinking water for the whole year is almost the same as the cost of building a well. The cost of building a well is $355. If paid by PayPal, please add 3% more.
Year-End Report /Tax Return: We are working on a year-end report and our tax return. The expected completion date for this project is the end of February.
We got a lot of things done this year, more than any other year in our history span.
December 9, 2016
Dear friends:
Once again Christmas is coming. There are many children anxiously waiting for the gifts they know they will have. There are many chidren who have too many toys that getting one more will not make any difference. And yet there are many children born in povery never get to experience Christmas. Santa Claus and the presents are only fairy tales in books and dreams. This year, for once, let's make their dreams come true. Let's give them a chance to indulge in childhood's fun. Please join us to give them the Christmas that they will remember for the rest of their lives.
We will be distributing toys to 120 students in two elementary schools and more than 20 students in a kindergarten. Each of the 120 students in elementary school will have a toy to bring home. The children in kindergarten will have toys to play in class. To be able to buy this many toys, we have to spend a lot of time and efforts camping for sales in many stores during the Black Friday week. There are many toys that we had to returned and buy back 3 times in order to get the cheapest price.
The elementary school we chose is Thanh Phong Elementary in Con Lon-- the school farthest away from the village. It is close to the forest and houses students from the following islands: Cồn Lớn, Cồn Mít, Cồn Đâm, Cồn Cao, and Cồn Dài. It has just been rebuit due to old age. It is also served as a refuge center for the villages' storms' victims. Besides this school, we also chose Thanh Phong Elementary in Bon Bon. For the school in Bon Bon, we only have enough toys for 1 class. Attached to the bottom of this email is the detail of costs of the Toys project.
Below is the summary:
Total Toys cost + shipping fee: $2305.81
Donations received to-date: $1220
Still needing: $1085.81
We'd like to share with you a conversion from our staff and a 4th grader afer we were done distributing toys to a Third grade class in his school. You can see how precious these toys are to the children here.
- Mister, when will you be distributing to 4th-grade class?
- No, we only give to 3rd grade this year
- Mister, may I know why you won't give to 4th grade ?
-Oh, I don't know. I just followed order from the charity group
-Had I known this, I would have chosen to stay back in 3rd grade and not advancing to 4th.
Besides the Toys program for elementary students, we also have a make-a-wish program for the College students. They will write letters expressing their wish for the holidays. We don't have a budget, so we will just grant a wish to just one student. Attached to the bottom of this email are their letters. Please read when you have some free time.
Kính gửi: ông Santa.
Con tên Nguyễn Thị Kim Hậu, sinh viên năm 4 trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực Phẩm TPHCM
Thời tiết bên đó lúc này có lạnh lắm không ạ? Các cô chú và ông có khỏe không? Mọi người ra đường nhớ giữ ấm nhé.
Bên Việt Nam trời bắt đầu se lạnh, những cơn gió lùa qua cũng làm con rùng mình. Con nhận ra là sắp đến Noel, sắp đến tết rồi. Những cơn gió lạnh càng làm con thao thức, lo lắng không yên. Bởi nơi quê nhà có một người mẹ đã vì lo cho con ăn học mà tiết kiệm từng đồng, không dám mua một chiếc áo ấm mới, không mua một cái mềnh đủ dày để đắp, đừng nói đến là một chiếc nệm. Rồi khi ra đường vào sáng sớm mẹ phải chịu lạnh, tối đến giấc ngủ cũng không yên vì lạnh. Con nghĩ đến đây trong lòng xót xa. Con thì bản thân còn phải để cho mẹ lo, không thể làm gì được cho mẹ.
Trước đây con không biết Noel là gì, không có quà, không đi chơi. Năm nay thì con được có cơ hội nhận được món quà từ ông già Noel Santa, con vui lắm, lần đầu nghe đến quà Noel mà. Con cũng không mong muốn gì cho con, chỉ mong sao mẹ có chiếc áo ấm, tấm chăn mới hay một chiếc nệm để giảm đi cái giá lạnh trong mùa đông này.
Dù mong muốn của con có thành sự thật hay không con cũng cảm ơn cô, chú và ông Santa cho con cơ hội để mơ ước về món quà Noel này.
Con xin cảm ơn và gửi lời chúc sức khỏe đến các cô chú và ông Santa!
Thơ của em Hồ Thị Ngọc Hân:
Cô Chú kính mến!
Chắc suốt những ngày vừa qua cô cùng các cô chú rất bận và mệt lắm đúng không ạ. Vì không phải lo cho tụi em nhỏ trường tiểu học mà còn lo quà giáng sinh cho tụi con nữa. Con thương cô chú và cảm kích tấm lòng của cô chú rất nhiều.
Cô chú biết không, ở Việt Nam đang bão và mưa suốt mấy ngày qua, trời lạnh lắm cô ạ. Qua lá thư lần này, con muốn xin ông già noel 2 món quà ạ, con tham lam quá cô chú há, con xin lỗi. Phần quà thứ nhất, con muốn xin ông già noel một phần quà nhỏ là 1 cái cravat cho thầy Út, người thầy đã dạy con 3 năm cấp 3 và cũng là người giới thiệu gia đình con với chú Phong để giúp đỡ con biết tới Hội Newhope2008. Phần quà thứ 2 con muốn xin ông già noel là 1 chiếc áo ấm cho mẹ con, trời đã lạnh vì gần tết, mẹ con lại nhỏ người và ốm yếu, con đi làm thêm chỉ đủ con trang trải cho cuộc sống và việc học nên chưa đủ tiền mua tặng mẹ một món quà nào nhân ngày đặc biệt.
Nếu 2 điều ước này nhân mùa giáng sinh năm 18 tuổi của con thành sự thật, con sẽ cảm thấy hạnh phúc và vui lắm.
Con cảm ơn ông già noel thật nhiều và đặc biệt là cảm ơn cô chú đã giúp đỡ yêu thương tụi con.
Con chúc cô chú có ngày mới thật an lành hạnh phúc và vui vẻ!
Thơ của em Huỳnh Như Nguyễn:
Dear Santa:
Con rất vui khi được viết thư cho ông. Từ nhỏ đến bây giờ, đây là lần đầu tiên con viết thư cho ông đó.
Mùa Gíang Sinh lại đến, không khí ở đây lúc này cũng đã bắt đầu lạnh. Lại 1 mùa Gia'ng sinh nữa con không ở bên gia đình. Không giống như các bạn cùng tuổi, mỗi khi đến Gia'ng Sinh các bạn muốn được cha mẹ tặng quà và chở đi chơi. Nhưng đối với con những điều đó không cần, con chỉ muốn được vui vẻ bên cha mẹ. 2 năm rồi con không cùng cha mẹ hưởng 1 mùa Gia'ng Sinh trọn vẹn. vì con đi học xa nhà, không thể về được. Lần đầu tiên con viết thư cho ông già Noel, con chưa lần nào được nhận món quà từ tay của ông già Noel cả. Hôm nay, con viết thư để kể cho ông nghe về món quà mà con mong ước muốn được trong mùa Noel này. Khi đi học, con rất thích mặc Aó dài đi học. Vì con học trong ngành Sư phạm phải mặc Aó dài, mà vì con chưa có điều kiện để sắm cho mình được. Khi nhìn các chị và các em mặc Aó dài đến trường thước tha rất đẹp, con rất thích. Nhân dịp Gi'ang Sinh đến, con kể cho ông nghe món quà con thích là chiếc Aó dài. Con rất mong ông sẽ hiểu được tấm lòng của con. Con rất mong sẽ nhận được món quà Noel của ông.
Con chào ông.
Thơ của em Nguyễn Thị Phương Nguyên:
Con chào ông già noel Santa. Con là Nguyễn Thị Phương Nguyên là một trong những sinh viên rất may mắn nhận được sự giúp đở của các cô chú các mạnh thường quân trong hội newhope2008. Con rất vui và rất biết ơn với những món quà mà các cô chú đã tặng cho chúng con.Những món quà ấy rất có ý nghĩa với chúng con nó giúp chúng con có thêm nghị lực và niềm tin để bước tiếp con đường học vấn và con đường đi đến tương lai sao này.
Ông già noel ơi! Còn không bao lâu nửa là chúng ta lại đón một mùa giáng sinh mới rồi. Con biết là ông già noel rất bận rộn với việc chuẩn bị những món quà xinh xắn đáng yêu để mang đến cho các bạn nhỏ dể thương đúng không ông? Con cũng có một ước mơ vào dịp giáng sinh này và con hi vọng là nó có thể thực hiện được đó ông. Ước mơ của con là vào ngày giáng sinh khi ông cưởi những chú tuần lộc đi phát quà cho những em nhỏ. Ông có thể giúp con gửi những lời chúc giáng sinh cho các cô chú các mạnh thường quân trong hội newhope. Lời chúc của con là. “ Merry Christmas. Con chúc các cô chú có một mùa giáng sinh vui vẻ hạnh phúc bên gia đình ấm áp và an lành. Đặc biệt con muốn gởi lời chúc đó và lời cảm ơn với Cô Thy. Cô đã dốc hết tâm trí và sức lực của mình để vận động các mạnh thường quân tặng máy vi tính cho tụi con hổ trợ tụi con trong học tập. Con cũng cảm ơn Cô Nghĩa Phạm và Hãng Health Essentials đã tặng máy vi tính cho con con rất vui và rất trân trọng món quà của cô. Con rất muốn nói lời cảm ơn trực tiếp với các cô chú nhưng con nghĩ các cô chú có nhiều việc bận nên không thể về Việt Nam được nên con nhờ ông già noel gửi lời chúc mừng giáng sinh và lời cảm ơn của con đến các cô chú các mạnh thường quân trong hội newhope”.
Cuối cùng con chúc ông già noel đón một mùa giáng sinh thật vui vẻ.
Ông Noel mến,
Con là Nguyễn Thị Ngọc, sinh viên năm nhất, Khoa Tâm Lý Học, Trường Đh Khoa học xã hội và nhân văn-Đh Quốc gia TP.HCM.
Ông biết không, đây là lần đầu tiên con viết thư cho ông đấy.
Trước đây, mặc dù đã biết đến câu chuyện viết thư gửi cho ông già Noel trong dịp lễ Giáng sinh nhưng con chưa từng nghĩ rằng chính mình sẽ làm điều đó. Bởi vì con quá nhút nhát, con luôn nghĩ rằng mình viết thì cũng chẳng có ai thèm đọc mà mong cho điều ước thành hiện thực.
Cho đến khi, con bước vào giảng đường đại học, mọi suy nghĩ của con lúc trước hầu như hoàn toàn thay đổi. Con bắt đầu sống tự lập từ đó con tự tin hơn về bản thân mình hơn. Why not ? Why not me ? Why not now ? Đây là 3 câu hỏi mà con luôn tự đặt ra cho mình trước mọi tình huống.
Để bước vào đại học, con đã gặp rất nhiều khó khăn nhưng nhờ sự giúp đỡ kịp thời của các cô chú trong hội từ thiện NewHope2008 mà ước mơ của con mới được tiếp tục. Con thật sự rất biết ơn và trân quý tấm lòng của cô chú. Vì vậy, món quà mà còn muốn ước trong mùa Giáng sinh năm nay là con sẽ có được một buổi gặp mặt với các cô chú trong hội, con muốn tự mình sẽ nói lời cảm ơn với các cô chú, sẽ kể cho cô chú nghe về con đường chinh phục ước mơ của mình.
Con mong là điều ước của mình sẽ thành hiện thực.
Cuối thư, con chúc ông luôn vui khỏe để tíêp tục mang đến niềm vui cho nhiều bạn trên thế giới.
Thơ của em Phan Thị Thùy Dung:
Kính gởi ông già Noel "Dear Santa"
Noel sắp đến rồi, khi con nghe cô chú Hội NewHope nói ông sẽ tặng cho chúng con món quà mà con mơ ước trong dịp Giáng sinh này, con rất vui mừng mà gửi đến ông thư này, mong ông có thể giúp con thực hiện được ước mơ của mình. Con suy nghĩ rất nhiều không biết có nên nói ra ước mong của mình không nữa bởi vì con sợ món quà mình mong ước sẽ làm ông khó thực hiện, con biết việc tăng quà cho chúng con như vậy là rất khó khăn nhưng ông vẫn muốn giúp chúng con. Con thật sự rất cảm động, dù có nhận được quà hay không thì con cũng rất vui vì nhận được sự quan tâm đặc biệt của mọi người. Mòn quà con mong ước có được trong dịp Noel này là con mong nhận được một cái máy ảnh hiệu SONY KTS DSC-W800/SC E32. Theo như con tìm hiểu trên mạng thì đây là loại máy ít tiền nhất so với những loại máy khác. Sở dĩ, con muốn nhận được máy ảnh bởi vì từ nhỏ con rất thích chụp ảnh, ghi lại những khoảnh khắc đáng nhớ với ba mẹ, bạn bè, chụp ảnh phong cảnh... Mong sao Giáng sinh năm nay con sẽ nhận món quà từ ông già noel . Xin chào ông ạ. Chúc ông luôn vui vẻ và mang lại niềm vui cho mọi người trong lễ Giáng sinh.
Thơ của em Đặng Hoàng Vinh:
Kính gửi Cô chú hội NewHope2008
Con là Hoàng Vinh , sinh viên năm hai !!!
Con đã nhận và đọc mail của cô Thảo về món quà giáng sinh!!! Trước hết con rất cảm kích , rất vui vì được cô chú quan tâm nhiều đến như vậy. Một điều vô cùng ý nghĩa và hạnh phúc vì được nghe tin về món quà giáng sinh này !!! Con xim chân thành cám ơn cô Thảo và các cô chú trong hội nhiều lắm.
Con xin bày tỏ một chút về tâm tư! Từ nhỏ con được sinh ra ở vùng quê , ở đó ngày lễ Giáng sinh không được quan tâm nhiều , thậm chí ngày ấy vẫn như mọi ngày thường cô chú ạ , lúc cô chú ở Việt Nam chắc hẳn cũng đã biết đến điều này phải không ? Thời của ba mẹ ông bà con thì là thời buổi còn trong giai đoạn giải phóng đất nước , nghèo khổ, cơ cực , nên đối với họ Giáng sinh là điều xa xỉ , còn khi chúng con sinh ra thì xã hội đã ổn hơn , nhưng không được phổ biến về lễ Giáng sinh từ ông bà cha mẹ !!! Đến thời gian gần đây , tuổi trẻ chúng con mới hưởng ứng ngày lễ này, cũng chỉ là trao nhau một vài món quà nho nhỏ , rồi xuống đường , rồi đến Nhà thờ ( ở tận huyện ) , chỉ là xem , ham vui chứ con không phải là người trong Đạo nên cũng chỉ chưa hiểu gì về ý nghĩa của ngày lễ này. Còn nói đến ông già Noel là con nghĩ ngay đến lúc nhỏ , xem tivi mà ước ao được gặp ông ấy , ước ao nhận được món quà , Hihi , mà ở quê như chúng con lạc hậu so với các bạn ở thành thị lắm , làm sao mà có dịch vụ giả ông già Noel mà tặng quà này nọ !!! ^^ !!!
Nên hôm nay được nghe về món quà của cô chú thì con rất bất ngờ , rất vui cô chú ạ !!!
Theo con được biết thì Hoa Kỳ xem Giáng Sinh là một ngày lễ rất đặc biệt , rất quan trọng và được trông chờ nhất phải không cô chú? Giáng sinh xong là vài ngày sau đến đón năm mới luôn , nên đây là thời điểm rất vui vẻ , hạnh phúc bên gia đình , giống như tết Nguyên đán ở Việt Nam vậy phải không ạ ?
Thật sự không khí bên ấy chắc chắn là rất đặc biệt , khắc hẳn ở Việt Nam !!! Được hoà mình vào không khí ấy con nghĩ điều đó xa vời với con thậy đấy !!! Hihi
Nhân dịp , con chúc cô chú có một thời gian chuẩn bị đón giáng sinh , cũng như năm mới , thật ấm áp , thật hạnh phúc bên gia đình !!! Những điều đến với cô chú đều là những điều tốt đẹp nhất !!! Con thân kính chúc ạ !!!
Còn về quà giáng sinh ,con cũng muốn được một lần thấy quà Giáng sinh của bên ấy!!! Hihi !!! Nhưng mà cái Laptop , là món quà rất lớn , là rất đủ đối với con rồi , con không giám mong hỏi gì thêm cả !!! Con xin nhượng lại 1chút phần trăm trúng giải của mình cho các bạn khác , biết đâu sẽ có người có ước muốn, có khát khao rất lớn về một món quà nào đấy !! Điều con mơ ước bây giờ , là làm sao phải dẹp đi mọi suy nghĩ , mọi việc làm để không ảnh hưởng đến việc học tập , con muốn cố gắng học tốt, cho bản thân , cho gia đình , cho xã hội , và cho sự mong muốn của hội NewHope2008, điều đó không có ông già Noel nào trao tặng được đúng không cô chú , mà là do bản thân con phải thật nổ lực mà ra !!!
Một lần nữa con xin cám ơn cô Thảo , cô Sương , và các cô chú trong hội NewHope2008 , đã nghĩ đến món quà Giáng sinh cho chúng con !!! Con xin cám ơn ạ !!!
Thơ của em Phạm Thị Thu Vàng:
Dear Santa,
Con tên là Phạm Thị Thu Vàng, hiện con là sinh viên năm 4 ngành công nghệ chế biến thủy sản của trường Đại Học Nông Lâm TP.HCM.
Lời đầu tiên cho con gửi lời chúc sức khỏe đến ông già Noel ạ.Cũng sắp đến một mùa giáng sinh nữa rồi phải không ông? Và đây cũng là mùa giáng sinh thứ 4 con xa nhà rồi ông ạ! Bốn năm xa nhà là bốn năm con phải tự tập thích nghi dần với lối sống, với con người nơi đây, tập thích nghi kiềm bớt nỗi nhớ nhà và tập kiếm sống bằng chính sức lực của con mà không phải trông cậy vào gia đình.
Gia đình con hiện tại vô cùng khó khăn.Mẹ con đã ngoài sáu mươi rồi nên không làm được việc gì nặng nhọc, chị con bị bệnh tâm thần lúc tỉnh lúc không. Ba con thì đã qua đời hơn 2 năm rồi do bệnh tai biến. Mọi chi phí trong gia đình đều phải nhờ vào vài chục dừa và tiền trợ cấp xã hội hàng tháng. Chi phí con học trên thành phố thì vô cùng nhiều, gia đình con không đủ khả năng để lo cho con. Trong cảnh khó khăn tưởng chừng không thể vượt qua đó lại lóe lên một nguồn sáng cho con, cô chú trong hội thiện nguyện NewHope2008 đã mang đến cho con niềm hi vọng mới, truyền cho con động lực tiếp tục bước về phía trước. Con cảm thấy vô cùng may mắn và hạnh phúc. Nếu như cô chú không có tấm lòng yêu thương tụi con thì sẽ không duy trì được hội đến ngày hôm nay. Vừa rồi con đã nhận được một máy vi tính của cô Nghĩa trong hội thiện nguyện Newhope2008 cho con. Con biết cô Nghĩa cũng như cô chú trong hội thiện nguyện NewHope2008 vui còn hơn tụi con nữa ông già noel ạ và con cũng tự nhủ với lòng rằng sẽ cố gắng học thật tốt để sau này có một công việc ổn định để giúp ít cho gia đình và giúp một phần nào đó dù là nhỏ thôi để cho Hội ngày càng giúp đỡ được nhiều bạn có hoàn cảnh khó khăn như tụi con.
Nhân mùa giáng sinh này con có một mong muốn, ông có thể giúp con được không ạ? Con là sinh viên năm cuối chuẩn bị ra trường, trong thời buổi như bây giờ để thuận tiện cho việc đi làm sắp tới con rất cần có một chiếc xe máy, con không cần xe máy mới gì đâu ạ, chỉ là một chiếc xe máy cũ có thể đi lại thôi ạ. Hoàn cảnh gia đình con rất khó khăn nên không thể lo cho con tiền để mua được. Con rất mong mùa giáng sinh năm nay ông già noel có thể giành cho con cũng như các bạn một món quà ạ. Nếu không nhận được quà từ ông thì con cũng cảm thấy vui và hạnh phúc bởi năm nay con đã nhận được quá nhiều sự may mắn và lời động viên, khích lệ từ cô chú trong hội thiện nguyện Newhope2008 rồi ạ.
Cuối cùng con xin gửi lời cảm ơn chân thành và lời chúc sức khỏe đến cô chú trong hội thiện nguyện NewHope2008 và ông già Noel ạ!
Con Thu Vàng!
Thơ của em Nguyễn Thị Thúy An:
Kính gửi các cô chú thương mến ! Chúng con luôn ghi nhớ những công ơn mà các cô chú đã dành cho chúng con. Chúng con biết trách nhiệm mà tụi con phải có đó là cố gắng học thật giỏi và nhớ ơn những người đã giúp đỡ mình cũng như đền đáp lại công ơn bằng cách giúp đỡ lại cho người khác bằng khả năng mà mình có. Sau này dù có thành danh, thành tài hay không chăng nữa thì sứ mệnh đó tụi con cũng sẽ ấp ủ và hoàn thành nó để cố gắng giúp đỡ những hoàn cảnh khác như tụi con lúc bấy giờ có thể hoàn thành ước mơ, hoài bảo và bước tiếp trên con đường học vần.
Noel năm nay không biết đối với những anh chị và các bạn khác ở Việt Nam thì sao, riêng đối với con thì nó cũng như những năm khác, nó như là một ngày bình thường thôi ạ ! (smile). Không biết tại vì con không theo đạo hay là do ở Việt Nam người ta ít để tâm đến việc tổ chức lễ Giáng Sinh. Chỉ có vài năm trở lại đây Việt Nam mới hòa nhập với thế giới và những ngày Giáng Sinh mới được tổ chức có qui mô hơn. Nhưng chủ yếu cũng chỉ là dành cho những người theo đạo Thiên Chúa thôi ạ. Vì vậy con không đòi hỏi gì quà cáp vào ngày Giáng Sinh đâu ạ. Các cô chú cứ để dành những phần quà đó cho những bạn khác cần hơn con. Nếu như tặng quà cho ba mẹ hay người thân thì con đã tặng vào ngày lễ Vu Lan, ngày Quốc Tế phụ nữ, ngày của Cha... rồi ạ. Cho nên dịp Giáng Sinh này con thấy không nhất thiết phải quà cáp gì nữa. Các cô chú cứ xem như tụi con tặng quà ngược lại cho các cô chú đi ạ, Noel đến là đông cũng đến, mọi người hãy dành chút thời gian sắm sửa thêm cho mình vài chiếc áo len, vài chiếc khăn choàng cổ hay một đôi giày kín để có thể ấm áp hơn và vui vẻ tận hưởng bầu không khí Giáng Sinh sắp đến đi ạ.Các cô chú vui thì tụi con cũng vui. Con biết các cô chú rất là bận rộn, vậy mà cứ lo nghĩ cho tụi con hoài, lo máy tính, lo quà hết dịp này đến dịp khác. tụi con cảm thấy rất áy náy. Không biết các cô chú mỗi sáng có ăn sáng được đầy đủ không hay chỉ vội vã ăn qua loa rồi lại lao vào công việc. Cuối ngày không biết cô chú có ngủ đủ giấc hay không mà lại thường xuyên gửi mail cho tụi con. Thực sự tụi con vô cùng cảm động và rất lấy làm biết ơn ạ.
Vì thế con rất mang ơn các cô chú, nếu hỏi dành phần quà đó cho ai thì con xin kính gửi tặng các cô chú trong hội New Hope ( các cô chú phải hứa là mua quà cho mình đấy nhé ! smlie ). Cuối lời con xin kính chúc các cô chú sẽ đón một mùa Giáng Sinh an lành và tràn đầy hạnh phúc ! Chúc công việc của cô chú nói riêng và Hội New Hope nói chung luôn suôn sẻ và thành công. Các cô chú nhớ giữ gìn sức khỏe thật tốt ạ !
Thơ của em Tống Thị Lil:
Con chào ông già Noel “ Dear Santa” thân mến!
Con tên là Tống Thị Lil sinh viên năm 3 của trường Học Viện Hành Chính Quốc Gia.
Lễ giáng sinh là một trong những khoảnh khắc mà các con rất háo hức chờ đợi. Đây là dịp các con sẽ được đi chơi và được ông già Noel ban tặng cho những món quà đáng yêu.
Lễ giáng sinh đã gieo vào lòng con một niềm rạo rực, cảm giác ấm áp hạnh phúc.
Những món quà biểu lộ tình yêu của mọi người với gia đình và bạn bè. Con hay nghe người ta nói ông già noel thường cưỡi xe tuần lộc trên trời, đến nhà có cây thông giáng sinh và leo qua ống khối để đem đến những món quà cho các em nhỏ đang ngủ và thường để quà trong những chiếc tấc. Riêng bản thân con rất mong mình nhận được một món quà từ ông già noel- món quà con thích nhất là điện thoại di động thông minh. Đây là món đồ con mong muốn bấy lâu nay nhưng vì không có tiền để mua nổi chiếc điện thoại đắt tiền này. Nhà nghèo lo tiền cho con đi học còn thiếu trước hụt sau, thì ước mơ để mua một chiếc điện thoại thông minh là một điều xa xỉ với con và cả gia đình con. Con luôn ước mơ là một ngày nào đó mình có được điện thoại thông minh để tự tay chụp ảnh cho các thành viên trong gia đình. Chiếc điện thoại thông minh này có thể giúp con dể di chuyển trong việc đi lại đặc biệt là trong việc học dể kiếm tài liệu. Con rất thích món quà này lắm, mong sao sẽ có nó. Vì từ đó tới giờ cả nhà con chưa bao giờ có được một điện thoại thông minh.
Ông già noel ơi! Con rất muốn thấy một lần được ôm cổ, chạm vào chòm râu trắng như tuyết của ông mà nói rằng: “ Ông ơi, cháu yêu ông rất nhiều. Cháu mong ước mơ của cháu sẽ trở thành hiện thực ạ”.
Cuối lời con chúc ông già noel nói riêng và hội newHope nói chung thật nhiều sức khỏe và luôn luôn vui cười hạnh phúc trong dịp giáng sinh này ạ.
Con chào ông già Noel!
Cháu yêu của ông
Tống Thị Lil.
December 2, 2016
Dear friends,
This is an update to our Elderly project. We have closed the book yesterday for the Elderly project this year and below is the result of our fund raising activities for this project. Any donations received for this project after the closing date will be carried over to next year.
This year, we are able to help 132 families.
We have started distributing the gift packages to these families a few weeks ago and about half way done. We should have the rest completed in 3 weeks. We will notify you when the pictures and report have been posted to our website.
Thank you very much for your support. Because of your generosity, we have been able to bring some happiness and hope to these elderly, sickly, and disabled families. We are also doing a Toys project--distributing toys to 115+ elementary students. We asked a staff who involved in both the Elderly and the Toys project to give his thoughts. He said the Toys project is very fun, seeing the ecstatic joy in kids as if they hit the lotto for the first time in
their lives; however, the Elderly project is more fulfilling--even though very tiring from carrying all those food and rice bags. He said helping the elderly gives him the feeling of helping a dying person--seeing them out there in small huts all alone in the woods--his presence and the gifts mean the whole world to them. He thought of himself and envisioned when he's old, he might be one of them, so he even wants to do more for them with the hope that when he's old, others will do the same for him.
We just want to share with you because this Elderly/Sickly/Disabled project is very hard to do.
If it had not been for staff with the thinking like above, we would not be able to keep this project.
It would be so costly that it would not be implementable. If you just imagine carrying a rice bag of 55 lbs along with bottles of soy sauce, fish sauce, detergent, sugar bags, salt bags, noodle,
etc, to the door steps of 132 houses on a motocycle and on foot when there is no drive-able road, then you can feel the efforts our staff put in to do this project every year.
Let's hope together we can keep this project for many more years.
Funding To-Date: | 7001 | ||
Details of costs: | |||
Total families got help: 132 | |||
Cost for each family: $50 (half food / half cash) | |||
Cost for 132 families: $50 * 132 = $6600 | |||
Transporation cost for Team 1: $100 (40 families) | |||
Transporation cost for Team 2 & 3: $200 (92 families) | |||
Money transfer cost to Hoa Phat: $101 | |||
Total Project's expense: 6600+100+200+101= $7001 | |||
Total Sent: | 7001 | ||
Project Balance: | 0 | ||
September 27, 2016
Dear Friends,
Our scholarship program has been completed. We have posted awards distribution's pictures to our website, please click on the link below to view:
Realizing the needs of the students for laptops, we have started a Laptop Drive for them.
We have posted letters from the students needing laptop on this page:
If you want to sponsor any, please let us know. For electronic merchandise, besides the shipping fee, there is an importing tax. They might be different for each item.
Please check with us first for pricing.
Our next project is Food for The Elderly/Sickly/Disabled. This project will be carried out in December (supposed to be in July, but we switched with the Rice project this year so we
can do a Special Project for the people suffering from the dead sea/dead fish in Quang Binh).
We are collecting for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled project from now until December 1st.
Any donations received during this period will be used for this project unless otherwise specified.
Please join us in bringing happiness to these elderly. Our little sharing means the wolrd for them---for they have nothing else to look forward to besides the good of mankind.
Please scroll down to view our to-date financial update of the Elderly project.
September Newsletter 2016 - Laptop Drive
Dear Friends and Sponsors:
As technology takes a turn worldwide, even the most primitive universities are starting to require students to work online. This presents a big challenge for many poor students because they cannot afford a computer and most schools have very few or none at all for them to use. The problem is even bigger for those students who major in computer science or engineering; or those who are reaching the last year of their degree which requires a lot of online research for their thesis.
For most students, the scholarships that we gave them was just barely enough to cover their tuition, so they ended up working multiple part-time jobs to pay for living expenses. Most of the jobs pay just fifty cents an hour for students, so they have to work many hours a day to make ends meet. On top of that, they have to pay a computer rental expense. While some are lucky to have rich friends to borrow from, most have to go to a public computer lab and rent by the hour. It is not only costly, it is also time consuming because most public computer labs are not within walking distance from the universities.
Transitioning from a countryside in the deep South where life is very primitive, to the city where everything is high-tech and much more expensive, is already a big obstacle to overcome for these young adults. We believe a laptop is a necessity for all college students in this era, and it is especially important for the poorer ones. Besides doing school work on the laptop, they can use it as an additional means to make money to support themselves. It is our hope that this laptop drive will make the dreams come true for them--for the freshmen who just entered college and are bogged down with the burdens of change, for the seniors who are trying to complete their last thesis paper, for the students who have keen goals in high-tech careers, and most of all for those kind hearts that wanted to use this opportunity to be successful so that they can give back to society.
September 11, 2016
Dear friends,
This is to report the funds collected from last night--our fund raising night--organized by Nhóm Bạn Yêu Nhạc. We have raised a total of $3100 and a laptop computer. As per requested by Nhóm Bạn Yêu Nhạc, this fund will be used to build 1 House of Humanity ($1500), and $1600 will be used to
fund the Food for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled program. The laptop will be sent to Vietnam and be used in our College Scholarships project.
Please scroll down to view the financial details. Also attached to the bottom is our speech introducing NewHope2008 to the audience last night. This speech
will be translated to English (when time allows) and will be posted to our website as a memory of this night.
Having seen their work and dedication through out the night, we saw that Nhóm Bạn Yêu Nhạc is where the kind hearts meet the kind hearts. We are grateful, and honored by their help. They are also exceptional singers. We were asked by our colleagues "Do you know who these singers are? I have never heard of their names before, but they sing even better than well-known singers!" Yes, very real, and truly honest. We share the same view.
If you see Nhóm Bạn Yêu Nhạc raising funds around your area, please come to support them--a humble group of singers who share with us the same dream and the same love---the dream of doing something to make the world better and the love of mankind.
And last but not least, we owe it to our friends for helping us making these delicious food
Đòan Ngọc Hương (cream puffs, gelatin, xôi dứa, xôi gấc)
Hiếu Phạm (Thai pudding - chè Thái)
Mỹ Hạnh Phạm (Korean salad - mì xào đại hàn)
Trần Thị Thu Vân (Papaya salad - gỏi đu đủ)
Annie Nguyệt Võ (Veggie soup / Cháo chay)
Bichly Nguyen/Xuan Hoa Trần/Hạnh Phạm/Trinh Thy (Veggie sandwiches, bánh mì chay)
And we can't think of a better way to thank them than to give them a chance to do it all over again.
Xin kính chào quy' cô bác và các anh chị em,
Trước hết chúng tôi xin đại diện các bạn trong hội NewHope2008 cám ơn các huynh tỷ đệ muội của Trung Tâm Cao Đài và Nhóm Bạn Yêu Nhạc đã cho cơ hội để chúng tôi được giới thiệu hội từ thiện NewHope2008 ở đây . Và kế đó xin cám ơn tất cả cô bác, và anh chị em đã nhìn thời giờ quy báu đến đây đêm nay. Sau đây chúng tôi xin có đôi dòng giới thiệu về hội NewHope2008.
Hội NewHope2008 được thành lập năm 2008 nhằm mục đích giúp những gia đình có hòan cảnh khó khăn ở Việt Nam. Hội đã bắt đầu với chương trình đầu tiên là Phát Gạo Tết, và cho đến bây giờ đã có thêm các chương trình Phát Tập, Phát Xe Đạp, Phát Học Bổng, Phát Thực Phẩm cho người già, người bệnh, người tàn tật, và xây nhà, xây giếng . Chương trình Xây Nhà, Xây Giếng thì được làm quanh năm khi có người tặng . Còn tất cả các chương trình khác thì mỗi năm được thực hiện 1 lần.
Thưa quy' cô bác và các anh chị em,
Những vùng mà hội NewHope2008 đang giúp được gọi là vùng sâu vùng xa, là những vùng không có nhà vệ sinh công cộng và trong nhà dân thường cũng không có, cho nên cũng ít có hội nào tới giúp.
Những chương trình mà chúng tôi đã bắt đầu đều là do cơ duyên đưa đẩy để chúng tôi nhìn thấy nhu cầu của những người dân nghèo ở đây.
Chương trình phát gạo được bắt đầu sau khi chúng tôi vô tình nhìn thấy cuộn phim phát gạo tết của ông Bà Năm đã làm cho người thân và chòm xóm. Hình ảnh một cụ bà lưng còng , còng tới nổi đầu bà gần chạm mặt đất, bà mặc chiếu áo mưa màu vàng đã cũ, tới nơi ngồi co ro chờ được lảnh chỉ có mỗi 5 ky gạo, bà nói đã đi bộ 2 tiếng trong mưa để đến đây. Lãnh gạo xong, bà lại lầm lủi trên con đường đất trũng đầy nước mà về .... Cái hình ảnh đó đã để lại trong lòng chúng tôi những bùi ngùi và chợt muốn làm một chút gì cho họ, và từ đó chương trình phát gạo hàng năm đã chinh thức bắt đầu cho tất cả dân nghèo ở Xứ Cồn và mỗi gia đình không chỉ được 5 mà là 20 ky' gạo cho đến bây giờ.
Rồi trong một lần phát gạo, sau khi mọi người đã ra về, chúng tôi thấy một người đàn bà trẻ vẫn còn ngồi mãi nơi phát gao. Chị nhìn rất ốm yếu, như người đang bênh. Chúng tôi hỏi thăm được biết chồng chị đã chết, để lại 3 đứa con nhỏ. Chị làm nghề bắt ba khía mướn cho người ta, 3 giờ sáng đã xuống sông rồi mà nhiều lúc vẫn không kiếm đủ miếng ăn để nuôi 3 con. Chị ngồi đó chờ bạn đi làm về để mượn chiếc xe đạp chở gạo, nhưng bạn tới chiều sau giờ làm mới đến được . Thế là chúng tôi giúp chị mang gạo về . Nhà chị ở Giồng Dài, cũng khá xa nơi phát gạo . Đến nơi chúng tôi không thấy căn nhà nào hết mà chỉ thấy một khung cảnh điêu tàn với hình ảnh ba đứa bé ngồi chờ mẹ chơ vơ trong túp lều mục nát. Và trong ngày hôm đó chương trình Xây Nhà tình thương đã bắt đầu .....
Rồi một lần khác, trong chuyến đi phát quần áo cũ và thuốc nhức đầu cho dân nghèo, bao nhiêu anh chị em chúng tôi đã thức suốt đêm để chia thuốc ra từng bao, từng bao một, và trên mỗi bao đã nắn nót từng dòng, dịch ra cách dùng thuốc bằng tiếng Việt. Có nhiều bạn mắt đã sụp xuống nhưng tay vẫn làm đều .Kỷ niệm này chắc có nhiều anh chị em đang có mặt ở đây cũng chưa quên, nhưng sáng hôm sau, khi đi phát, chúng tôi đã đi, đi mãi qua bao nhiêu nhà, bao nhiêu làng mà cũng không tìm ra người một biết đọc chữ, dù có những em trẻ, rất trẻ ở độ tuổi 13 hay 15 cũng không biết đọc .
Chúng tôi thấy có một nổi xót xa vô bờ, một cái buồn thăm thẳm, một sự chán chường đến tột độ, nhưng trong những chua xót này có một tình thương chợt dâng cao và lòng nhân ái này đã khởi nguồn cho chương trình phát Tập và Xe đạp của hôm nay ....
Chúng tôi chỉ ước mong chương trình này sẽ giúp cho các em có phương tiện để học và ít nhất sẽ học hết tiểu học để biết đọc và biết viết . Mỗi năm chúng tôi phát tập cho khỏang 1500 em, cho đến nay đã phát ra 159,630 cuốn tập và 539 chiếc xe đạp.
Thưa quy cô bác và anh chị em,
Chúng tôi kể ra vài mẫu chuyện nhỏ như một chút tâm tình, một chút chia xẻ về sự bắt đầu của vài
chương trình của hội để quy' cô bác và các anh chị em thấy sự bắt đầu nào cũng từ một tình thương . Chúng tôi ước mong quy' cô bác và các anh chị em đọc được tình thương này trong từng trang, từng dòng ở NewHope2008 và trong góc nào đó của trái tim, chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau để cùng góp bàn tay đem lại chút hạnh phúc cho những mảnh đời bất hạnh này.
September 4, 2016
Dear friends:
This is an update on our scholarship project.
On Sept 3rd, 2016, we have awarded 27 scholarships to 8 freshmen, 5 sophomores, 6 juniors, 8 seniors ( three of which are going on 5th year). Some majors require 5 years to complete. We will have a full report and pictures of loaded in 2 weeks. Also one of our seniors is a medical student. His name is Ho Hoang Binh. It is our understanding that it is extremely difficult to get into a medical school. He has gone half way and probably needs a little more help from us to complete it. Attached is a picture of his house that we took 3 years ago and a self-introduction letter that he sent to us in 2013 when applying for our scholarship. His full data can be found in our scholarship link below:http://newhope2008.org/Scholarships/2013/1/class2017.html
Besides the scholarship awards, this year we also received 4 computers to be given to 4 lucky students. As requested by the sponsors, the students will have to write an essay. The winners will be announced on 9/25/16. All essays will be posted on our website as we receive them.
Project Balance: $2500
Dear friends,
This is an update on our current activities.
We are currently collecting for the Scholarship project and this project will be carried out in early September. Last year we awarded 25 and a half scholarships. Each scholarship
is $400. This is about enough to pay for tuition for a whole year.
Once a student is selected for our scholarship program, it is our hope to help him/her finish the degree. Most degrees can be completed in 4 years; however there are
some that needs 4.5 years . Each year we need about $10,000 to fund for 6 to 7 incoming freshmen and 18 to 19 existing sophomores to seniors.
So far our program has produced 23 graduated students, and we will have about 8 more this September. These students have pledged to help us with one scholarship
this year. Hopefully as time passes we will have more graduated students and we can get more help from them. And it is very possible in the future, this program can be entirely
funded by the students who we are helping now. But for now, they still need our help.
It is our hope to hit the 10K mark so we can help both existing and new students. When we met with the students in our Vietnam Road trip this year--all 49 of them--graduated and undergrads
, we told them it was not easy for us to send them to college while some of us don't even have a college degree ourselves. It took a big heart and a dream---a dream of a better
future for them for good and the only way to show their appreciation for our help is to pay it forward.
We understood they have not had their jobs for too long so we can't ask for much. Together they will give us one scholarship this year, and we believe this is a good beginning, at least we can see
the trees we have been planning are bearing fruits. Thank you all for your big hearts and special thanks to Kim Lam and Dr. Lam Thuan Huong for starting this project.
Below is the to-date financial update of this project:
Funding to-date $6340
July 21, 2016
Dear friends,
June 8, 2016
Dear friends,
This is to report the progress of our rice drive for Hà Tỉnh and Quãng Bình.
So far we have a total pledge of $8701. This is enough to buy rice and noodle for 550 familes. (11 tons of rice and 550 boxes of noodles). The rice distributor said this order is not enough for them do deliver to 2 counties, but they can do 1 county for us.
We have chosen to deliver in Quang Binh because we see Ha Tinh has been helped by a few groups in our community. At least 2 singers' groups that we know of are going to Ha Tinh in June.
Also, after researching into the regions, we have found out the number of people needing help are overwhelming even for just Quang Binh; thus, even if the rice distributor agreed to go, it does not make sense to divide into 2 areas because we have so littlẹ. Just in Quang Binh district alone, in Dong Hoi province, there are already 5 fishing villages averaging 150 to 200 families in each village.
And there are many provinces in a district.
So this is to inform that this project is now officially starts and we will be collecting for Quang Binh until June 26th. For those of you that have pledged, we hope for your understanding of our reasoning for choosing Quang Binh and hope to receive your donation soon so we can carry out this project on time.
We rarely do projects in the midde/north (miền trung/bắc) due long distance and high expense.
We really hope to have a chance to help them especially now when they need it the most.
We have a donor that pledged to pay for staff air/room expense and transfer fee to Hoa Phat so 100 % of your donation will be going to the poor people. $12 will help 1 family to get 20 kilos of rice (45 lbs) and $3.40 will help 1 family to get 1 box of noodle. Please help to spread the words.
June 3rd, 2016
April 29th, 2016
Dear Friends:
This is to give you an update on the Notebook and Bicycle projects.
We are currently distributing the notebooks and bicycles to the students.
Due to the increase in number of bicycles we have this year, the distribution will be a little bit longer. We are expecting to complete in the next two weeks.
We will inform you when it is done. This year the Ben Tre region has the
salt water disaster, and this has destroyed a lot of crops for many families-
making them poor even poorer. So this is the year where our help means a lot
more to them because they would not have anything left to support their children for school necessities. And because of this, we extended our help to districts Cho Lach, Mo Cay Bac, Mo Cay Nam, Giong Trom where the salt water hits and
they are the places within our reach.
Thank you very much for responding to our plea for the needy students.
We hit our goal of 100 bicycles this year. As for the notebooks, we have 18,540(10,000 5-line notebooks, and 8540 4-line notebooks). The elementary students use 5-line notebooks and the junior high students use 4-line notebooks.
Below are the lists of schools that will be receiving the notebooks/bicycles, our to-date financial update of this project, and the details of how the money was spent.
Our notebooks will be distributed to the following schools:
Funding To Date 9797
Sent $3000 (xfer fee:$45), HP Receipt: BD/53173/V
Sent $3000 (xfer fee:$45), HP Receipt: BD/54311/V
Sent $2000 (xfer fee: $30), HP Receipt: BD/56079/V
Sent $1655(xfer fee: $25), HP Receipt: BD/57250/V
Cost paid to HoaPhat Inc to transfer $9655 to VN: $145
Total Spent: $9655 + 145 fee = $9800
Details of costs:
Cost of Bicycles:
Total Bicycles given: 100
Each bicycle costs: $60
Cost to buy 100 bicycles: 100 * 60 = $6000
Cost of 5-line notebooks:
Total of 5-line notebooks bought: 10,000
Price of each 5-line notebook: $.2072
Total cost of 5-line notebooks: .2072 * 10,000 = $2072
Kindergarten to 5th grade students use 5-line notebooks
Each student gets 10 notebooks
Total students get 5-line notebooks: 1000
Cost of 4-line notebooks:
Total of 4-line notebooks bought: 8540
Price of each 4-line notebook: $.1627
Total cost of 4-line notebooks: .16216 * 8540 = $1385
6th grade to 9th grade students use 4-line notebooks
Each student gets 20 notebooks
Total students get 4-line notebooks: 427
Grand Totals:
Total costs of 100 bicycles: $6000
Total cost of 18,540 notebooks: 2072 + 1385 = $3457
Transportation/delivering costs= $200
Cost paid to Hoa Phat to transfer 9655 to VN= $145
Grand Total project cost: 6000 + 3457 + 200 + $145 =$9802
Total combined notebooks bought: 10,000 + 8540 = 18,540
Number of students receiving notebooks: 1000 + 427 = 1427
Number of students receiving bicycles: 100
Project Balance: 9802 - 9797 = (-5)
Shortage made up by General Fund: 5
Project Balance: 0
March 18th, 2016
Dear friends,
This is an update to our projects:
Vietnam Road Trip:
We have finally done posting our Vietnam Road Trip to our website.
This link contains all reports and pictures of the projects we promised to deliver in this Road Trip:
Rice Project:
The pictures from rice project also have been loaded and ready to be viewed:
Besides these, we also posted our Vietnam Road Trip on the Dactrung website. On this website, we have more details of our house-to-house trips and on the road stories. The reason we can't
duplicate data from the DacTrung link to our Newhope2008 link because in the Dactrung blog,we write as we have time, it's more like diary writing, it still continues. On our NewHope website,
we must get things done to move on to other projects. We have to write it as a report, summarizing everything that we committed to do with the funds we collected. For example, we committed to go
to 50 elderly/sickly/disabled families, on our NewHope website, we have a picture of each family,
showing they received the gifts and a short description of their family background. On the Dactrung website, on the other hand, it has more pictures, a story how we got there, our feelings, etc.
It also has stories and pictures of others we met and helped on the road besides these 50 families.
It would be too much to ask of our webmaster to duplicate what we have in the Dactrung's website to Newhope's website because it is very time consuming. Besides, we don't know when we are done
with the stories. So, if you are interested in more stories, here is the Dactrung link:
Current projects: Notebooks/Bicycles - to be carried out in April 2016:
As of current, we have raised $7247. Thank you very much for your support.
We will use $6000 to fund 100 bicycles and the rest will be used to fund the notebooks.
We are still collecting until April 15th, 2016. We have started going to the students' house to take picture and verify their family background.
Feb 12th, 2016
Dear friends,
Happy Tết everyone!
We have been busy trying to wrap up the projects in 2015 and getting ready to do our tax return.
Please find the latest updates below:
Housing and Well projects:
Finally we were able to get the last house donated in 2015 completed.
Please click on the following links to view the completed houses and wells from 2015:
Rice Project:
We are just done writing the report for our Rice project and loaded all pictures to Photobucket.
By next week, our webmaster will be uploading these pictures from Photobucket to our website.
We will keep you posted when they are ready to be viewed.
VN Road Trip Project:
We are still writing. Once done, these write ups will be migrated to our website. In the meantime, you can view our ongoing report at:
Special Projects:
Some of you donated bicycles and bed as we visited the families in our Road Trip project. The pictures of these distributions will be posted in our VN Road Trip section. Will keep you posted when they are done.
Donation Receipts for 2015:
We have mailed out all receipts for 2015. If you are missing any, please let us know.
Current projects: Notebooks/Bicycles - to be carried out in April 2016:
We are currently collecting for the Notebooks/Bicycles projects. These projects will be carried out in April. From our Road Trip project, we have learned that there are greater needs for bicycles. It is very tough for a child to complete elementary school without a bicycle as many of them have to change school after 2nd or
3rd grade because local schools don't have classes beyond this point. After that, they have to walk much longer distance to continue schooling in the main elementary in a bigger village. Furthermore, most poor students don't have anything to eat during lunch. The long walk combined with an empty stomach is just too big of a challenge
to face on a daily basis at this young age. Many of them could not make it and ended up dropping out after 2nd or 3rd grade. It is our hope that a bicycle will keep them in school longer--long enough to for them to learn how to
read and write.
We are hoping to fund 100 bicycles this year. The price for each bicycle last year was $60. If you would like to participate in this project, please send in your donation by April 15th, 2016.
Financial Statement 2015:
Below is our financial statement for 2015. This financial statement will be posted next week on our website under the tab "about us / Financial Statements":
NewHope2008 Nonprofit Organization |
P. O. Box 10635, Westminster, CA 92685 |
2015 - Revenue and Expense Report |
Received |
Spent |
Forward to 2016 |
Notebooks/Bicycle Projects |
6121 |
6121 |
0 |
Housing Projects |
24084 |
24084 |
0 |
Well Project |
5833 |
5833 |
0 |
College Scholarship Project |
12346 |
10546 |
1800 |
Food Assistance for the Elderly |
4314 |
4314 |
0 |
Special Projects |
6567 |
6567 |
0 |
Rice Project |
6104 |
6104 |
0 |
VN Road Trip Projects |
8442 |
8442 |
0 |
PayPal Fee |
216 |
216 |
0 |
Admin costs (web hosting, po box rental, tax filing, stamps, phone) |
308 |
308 |
0 |
Total donations received in 2014 & 2015 for projects in 2015 |
74335 |
0 |
Total spent in 2015 for all projects |
72535 |
Total balance to be forwarded to 2016 |
1800 |
** Balance forwarded from donations received in 2014 |
(3208) |
**Total donations received in 2015 |
71127 |
2015- Accomplishments |
Built 22 houses for the homeless/needy families |
Built 17 wells for the poverty-stricken families |
Distributed 15 tons of rice to 750 needy families |
(10 tons from annual rice project, 1 ton from VN road trip, 4 tons |
from special projects) |
Awarded 40 bicycles to the needy students from 4 schools |
Awarded 16,700 notebooks to 1290 students from 17 schools |
Sponsored food for 129 elderly/disabled families ($50 each family) |
(50 families from VN Road Trip) |
Awarded 26 college scholarships to 26 needy students) |
(6 freshmen, 5 sophomores, 8 juniors, and 10 seniors, $400 each) |
Awarded 4 laptops to college students |
Distributed 800 veggie meals (400 from VN Road Trip) |
Distributed 1102 menthol oil - dầu xanh (648 from VN road trip) |
Distributed 400 wind jackets, 200 warm garments, 218 shirts |
Distributed 500 bar soaps, 10,000 Advil pills, 10,000 Salonpas pieces |
Jan 22, 2016
Jan 15th, 2016
Oct 27th, 2015
Rice Drive: We are currently collecting for this project. If you would like to participate, please send in donation before December 15th, 2015. Below is the to-date financial update of this project.
Funding to-date |
2275 |
September 25th, 2015
Dear friends / Các bạn thân mến,
This is an update to our projects:
Rice Project:
We are currently collecting for the Rice Project. We will be taking donation from now until December 15th, 2015. This year is a special year. We will have a team from the US coming to Vietnam assisting with the Rice distribution.
Please scroll down to the bottom for the details of the Vietnam trip.
Elderly Project:
Everything is completed. We have loaded all 79 families to our website and also have the Vietnamese version posted. Please check it out when you have a chance:
Scholarship Project:
We have just completed awarding 26 scholarships for the school year 2015-2016. We will be posting the pictures of the award ceremony in the next two weeks.
Funding to-date |
10546 |
Project Details: |
Awards distributed: $10,200 (26 students) |
(25 students, $400 each and 1 student got $200) |
Total transfer fee:$146; Transportation costs: $200 |
Total cost of this project: $10,200+146+200 =10,546 |
09/09/15 |
Sent $10,546 (xfer fee: 146) Receipt: BD/33924/V |
Total Cost: 10,546 |
Total Spent: 10,546 |
Account balance|: 0 |
Vietnam Trip:
Below is the details of our 6-day tour. Let us know if you want to participate.
Time frame is Jan 1st to Jan 6th, 2016.
Day 1: Veggie Meals for the Poor.
A few times a year, we distribute veggie meals to the poor in a form of a special project. In this trip, we would like to participate in the cooking , packing, and distributing veggie meals at a local temple. We will also talk to the recipients.
If time allowed, we will also help in picking the herbs from the forest and make herbal medicine. This temple houses a group of poor elderly/sickly who has no family support. One of the daily activities at the temple is to make herbal medicine for these elderly.
Day 2: Building a Well of Humanity
We will interview a few families who are in need for a well. After choosing the most deserving family, we will witness the building process from ground breaking to completion. We will also interview the families that are in need for a house and choose one family to be built in the next few days.
Day 3: Visiting Elementary / Junior High students
We will have an exchange of communication between students from the US and the local students. This is the chance for them to learn from each other. For the adults, we will talk to the principles/teachers about the students' needs and ask what can be done to improve our notebooks and bicycles projects. After done, we will be distributing back packs and any gifts we have. If you want to send any gift, let us know. We will need to send all these gifts prior to Dec 17th.
Meeting with college students: If we can group the students that have been receiving our scholarships, we would like to talk to them, too. We want to send them a direct message that we expect them them to follow our footsteps in helping other poor students after they are done with their degrees.
Day 4: Visiting the Sickly/Elderly/Disabled
We will spend a day doing this, carrying with us some gifts for them, too. This is a our chance to better understand their needs and hope.
Day 5: Building a House of Humanity
We will witness and participate in building a house of humanity. The one that we chose in day 2. It will take a few weeks for the house to be done, so we will probably just have time to partake in the ground breaking process.
Day 6: Rice distribution
Our annual Rice project falls in this window of time. We will help with the distribution of a few villages within a day as time permits. This is the last activity that wraps up our 6-day tour.
You don't have to participate in all 6 activities. You can go just one day if you don't have a lot of time. The arrangement is tentative. The activities might be switched around if need be.
September 4th, 2015
Family- Gia đình | Sponsor - Người bảo trợ |
Đoàn Văn Lam and Đặng Thị Yếm | The Baker and Chu family |
Tạ Thị Nụ | Gia Đình Bùi Đắc Hùm |
Nguyễn Hoàng Vũ and Huỳnh Thị Đạm | The Baker and Chu family |
Hồ Văn Phỉ | Mr. Brad Ramelot |
Nguyễn Hữu Thọ | Gia Đình Bùi Đắc Hùm |
Ông Đặng Vủ Linh & Bà Ngô Thị Sáng | Bà Lê Thị Xuân Lan and Kim Hùynh |
Nguyễn thị Nhịn | In Memoriam of Mrs Lê Thị Thông |
August 24, 2015
As of now, we are done distributing and have all pictures. We should be done with the report soon and will have everything ready in our website in a day or two. Thank you very much for your patience.
Scholarship Projects |
09/01/14 |
Account balance at end of school year 2014 ( 9/1/14 ) |
758 |
Funding to-date |
6958 |
July 02, 2015
Below is the to-date financial update of this project:
Funding to-date |
4034 |
Project's details: |
07/01/15 |
Sent to VN $4060 (HP Receipt: ) BD/27045/V, BD27044/V |
Fee to transfer $4000 to VN: $60 |
Transportation costs to carry out project: 200 |
Helped 76 familes, $50 each. Total: $3800 |
Total Spent: $60 + $200 + $3800 = $4060 |
Net Balance: 4034 - 4060 = (-26) |
** $26 shortage will be made up by General Fund |
GF Fund |
26 |
Project's Balance: 0 |
June 20, 2015
May 25, 2015
Dear friends:
The Notebook and Bicycle projects have been completed. Thank you very much for your support.
All pictures have been loaded to our website, please take a look when you have a chance:
Our next program is Food Assistance for the Elderly/Sickly/Disabled.
This project will be carried out in mid July. We are taking donations for this project from now until June 30th, 2015.
Photo Book:
We are making a photo book that has memories of all the projects we have done since 2007. We are almost done. Below is the initial version. The final version will be almost the same except for grammar corrections and changes to the order of some pages.
Please take a look and let us know if you want to order a copy. There is a sale going on right now.
You can order it directly with MyPublisher by yourself or we can include you in our re-order.
It will be cheaper for you if you can pick up from us in person. Otherwise, there will be mailing cost.
With the best sale of the year, the price is $30 (original price $115) plus shipping and tax, we paid around $44 per book. On a re-order of the same version, we paid around $35 per book. We will give you the exact pricing after the book is done.
April 20th, 2015
Funding To Date |
6121 |
03/29/15 |
Sent $3000 (xfer fee:$45), HP Receipt: BD/17989/V |
03/31/15 |
Sent $3030 (xfer fee:$46), HP Receipt: BD/18200/V |
Total Sent: $6030 |
Cost paid to HoaPhat Inc to transfer $6030 to VN: $91 |
Total Spent: 6030 + 91 = $6121 |
Project Balance: 0 |
Details of costs: |
Cost of Bicycles: |
Total Bicycles given: 40 |
Each bicycle costs: $60 |
Cost to buy 40 bicycles: 40 * 60 = $2400 |
Cost of 5-line notebooks: |
Total of 5-line notebooks bought: 9100 |
Price of each 5-line notebook: $.24 |
Total cost of 5-line notebooks: .24 * 9100 = $2184 |
Kindergarten to 5th grade students use 5-line notebooks |
Each student gets 10 notebooks |
Total students get 5-line notebooks: 910 |
Cost of 4-line notebooks: |
Total of 4-line notebooks bought: 7600 |
Price of each 4-line notebook: $.16 |
Total cost of 4-line notebooks: .16 * 7600 = $1216 |
6th grade to 9th grade students use 4-line notebooks |
Each student gets 20 notebooks |
Total students get 4-line notebooks: 380 |
Grand Totals: |
Total costs of bicycles & Notebooks: $ $5800 |
Transportation/delivering costs: $230 |
Total cost: 5800 +230 = $6030 |
Total combined notebooks bought: 9100 + 7600 = 16,700 |
Number of students receiving notebooks: 910 + 380 = 1290 |
Number of students receiving bicycles: 40 |
March 11th, 2015
We are currently working on the Notebook and Bicycle project.
This project will be carried out in the beginning of April.
We will distribute notebooks and bicycles to the needy students from elementary to high school.
Funding To Date |
$4221 |
February 12th, 2015
Dear Friends,
Funding To Date |
1031 |
February 3rd, 2015
Best wishes to everyone in this year of the deer. Happy Tet !!!
2014 - Revenue and Expense Report |
Received |
Spent |
Forward to 2015 |
Notebooks/Bicycle Projects |
7567 |
(7267) |
300 |
Housing Projects |
20394 |
(20394) |
0 |
College Scholarship Project |
14520 |
(11762) |
2758 |
Food Assistance for the Elderly |
5173 |
(4973) |
200 |
Special Projects |
7181 |
(7181) |
0 |
Rice Project |
8718 |
(8718) |
0 |
PayPal Fee |
66 |
(66) |
0 |
Advertising fee |
250 |
(250) |
0 |
Admin costs (web hosting, po box rental, tax filing, stamps, phone) |
373 |
(373) |
0 |
Total donations received in 2013 & 2014 for projects in 2014 |
64242 |
Total spent in 2014 for all projects |
(60984) |
Total balance to be forwarded to 2015 |
3258 |
** Balance forwarded from donations received in 2013 |
(6910) |
**Total donations received in 2014 |
57332 |
2014- Accomplishments |
Distributed 13 tons of rice & 200 boxes of noodles to 650 needy families |
Built 18 houses for the homeless/needy families |
Awarded 40 bicycles to the needy students from 4 schools |
Awarded 23,780 notebooks to 2038 needy students from 19 schools |
Sponsored foods for 94 needy elderly families ($50 each family) |
Sponsored foods for 51 disabled families ($50 each family) |
Distributed 1152 bottles of menthol oil to the needy families |
Distributed 400 veggie meals to the homeless/elderly |
Distributed 30 back packs and toys to Dac Lac elementary school |
Awarded 29 college scholarships to 29 needy students ($400 each) |
January 21, 2015
Dear Friends,
Below is our to-date financial update of this project:
Funding To Date: |
$4533 |
Dear friends,
This is an update to our Scholarship and Rice projects:
Funding To Date: |
2483 |
Dear friends,
Here are our monthly updates on all projects for 2014:
Bicycle and Notebook: Donehttp://newhope2008.org/Bicycles/2014/bicycles2014.html
Food Assistance for the Elderly and Disabled: Done
House Building: On Going http://newhope2008.org/Houses/2014/houses2014.html
Scholarship: Done.
All documents have been sent to our webmaster. We should have everything posted in a few days.
Rice: Current project
Besides the Housing project which is going on all year round, RICE is our last annual project of the year.
We hope to get your support to be able to deliver rice to more needy families. Last year in an unprecedented trip,(29 hours drive and 1 night rest), we have carried 15 tons of rice and noodles to 755 deserving families in Dac Lac county. We have seen so much tears in their eyes, hope on their faces, and the faith in their hearts for our work.
Please help us to keep their faith up, to put a smile on their face, to shed a sun ray in their gloomy world by sending them a gift of love--a simplest and most needed gift---a bag of rice.
Funding To Date: |
1083 |
Dear friends,
We are just about done with our food distribution. This year we are able to help
94 families. Each family gets $50 which consists of food and cash. This is a special
year, we got a special visitor, one of our very first sponsors, from the US came and helped us
distributing the food. It was a great pleasure to work with her. Hopefully when
she comes back to the US, we will hear from her experience.
Below is the final financial update of this project. In a few weeks, the pictures will be
ready and we will notify you when they have been posted on our website.
Thank you very much for lending us a hand so we can keep delivering food to these
needy families.
Funding to-date |
4973 |
Project's details: |
04/30/14 |
Sent to VN $2030 (xfer fee: $30), Receipt BC/77262/V |
07/03/14 |
Sent to VN $2131 (xfer fee: $31), Receipt BC/84944/V |
07/17/14 |
Sent to VN $609 (xfer fee: $9), Receipt BC/86616/V |
07/22/14 |
Sent to VN $203 (xfer fee: $3) Receipt BC/87282/V |
Total sent: $4973 |
Total Transfer fee: 73 |
Transportation costs: 200 |
Helped 94 familes, $50 each. Total: $4700 |
Total Spent: $4973 |
Project Balance: 0 |
Food Assistance for the Elderly Project
Funding to-date |
May 25th, 2014
Dear friends,
April 27, 2014
Total received: |
7267 |
Details of money sent: |
4/4/14 Sent: 3000(xfer fee: 45), Receipt: BC/74429/V |
4/9/14 Sent: 3000 (xfer fee: 45), Receipt: BC/74841/V |
4/19/14 Sent: 1160 (xfer fee:17), Receipt: BC/75867/V |
Total Sent: $7160, Xfer fee: 107, Total costs: $7267 |
Account Balance: 0 |
Details of project's costs: |
Cost of Bicycles: |
Total bicycles given: 40 |
Each bicycle costs: $60 |
Cost to buy 40 bicycles: 40 * 60 = $2400 |
Cost of 5-line Notebooks: |
Total of 5-line notebooks bought: 16980 |
Price of each 5-line notebook: $.22 |
Total cost of 5-line notebooks: .22 * 16980 = $3736 |
Each 1st to 5th grade student gets (10) 5-line notebooks |
Total students got 5-line notebooks: 1698 |
Cost of 4-line notebooks: |
Total of 4-line notebooks bought: 6800 |
Price of each 4-line notebook: $.15 |
Total cost of 4-line notebooks: .15 * 6800 = $1020 |
Each 6th - 9th grade student gets (20) 4-line notebooks |
Total students got 4-line notebooks: 340 |
Grand Totals: |
Total costs of bicycles & Notebooks: $7156 |
Total combined notebooks bought: 23780 |
Number of students receiving notebooks: 2038 |
Number of students receiving bicycles: 40 |
Dear Friends:
Dear Friends,
In this letter, we share with you our year-end financial report and accomplishments in 2013. This report will also be posted under the "Financial Statements" section. Thank you all very much for making all of these projects possible. Together we have helped build the future for thousands of youngsters and touched the lives of many poverty-stricken families.
NewHope2008 Nonprofit Organization |
www.NewHope2008.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: NewHope2008.charity@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Our next projects are the Notebook and Bicycle projects and will be carried out in the last week of April. We are taking donations from now until April 15th. We hope very much to have your continuing support
for these projects.
Dear Friends:
We have finally completed the Dac Lac project. All pictures of the rice distributions
have been loaded to our website. Please take a look when you have a chancw http://newhope2008.org/Rices/2014/rice2013-DakLak.html
This is one of the tough projects to complete. Thank you all very much for lending
a hand. This is the last project of 2013. In a few weeks, we will be sending out our
year-end financial report and accomplishments.
Once again thank you very much and have a great lunar New Year.
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year to everyone! Wish you all have a year filled with laughter, properity,
and hapiness.
Here is our update on the Rice Project:
Donation update:
We have raised a total of 15 tons and 100 kilos of rice and 655 boxes of noodles.
The staff in Vietnam have independently raised 100 boxes of noodles (20 of which came from the students we helped graduated from college in our scholarship program).
Together, we have enough to help 755 families. Each will get 20 kilos of rice (about 44 lbs) and 1 box of noodles.
Operation update:
Our goods was divided into 2 parts: 2 tons of rice and 100 boxes of noodles were carried by the tour bus free of charge. The rest, 13 tons of rice and 655 boxes
of noodles, were carried on our rented truck.
The tour bus will be leaving on Jan 2nd (Vietnam time) from Thanh Phong village (Ben Tre county), and scheduled to arrive in Dac Lac on Jan 3rd at 7am.
Our rented truck left on Jan 1st (Vietnam time) and has arrived safely in Dac Lac last night after 29 hours on the road. Our biggest fear on a trip of this length is the fear of robbery. And it did happen during nightfall. Two robbers tried to overtake our truck. They climbed on the back and attempted to open the cargo door. They tried to force open the padlock, but with no luck, they gave up. Thank God for this.
We will start distributing the rice at 7:30am on Jan 3rd (Vietnam time). We will give you a final update on this project after we are done and get all of the pictures uploaded.
Please scroll down to the bottom of the email for the financial update of this project.
Thank you all very much for lending a hand to help out the poor people in Dac Lac.
They are very grateful for our help and have been waiting in tears for our truck to arrive.
Some shared that they couldn't sleep for being too happy thinking of the white rice they will receive. As we have shared before, there are many types of rice on the market.
These poor people can only afford to buy the lowest quality, and more often than not, this type contains rice worms, sand, dirt and other impurities making the rice's color yellow
or brown. We bought medium quality rice in which most of the impurities are not there, giving the rice its white color. This is why they called our rice "white rice"--the
type of rice everyone is dreaming to taste.
This is by far the most rice we have ever raised and the longest distance we have ever traveled to give rice; however, it was well worth it. Once again, thank you, our dear friends,
for making this project possible, for giving joy to 755 families, and best of all for your kind heart.
And last but not least, thank God, for helping us arrive to Dac Lac safe and sound.
December 8th, 2013
October 16th, 2013
Dear friends:
The scholarship project has just been completed. Thank you very much for lending a hand. Together we have changed the lives of 28 students this year. We have posted a complete report and pictures of the distribution on our website. Please click on the link below to view:
We are currently collecting for the Rice project. The cutoff date is December 31st, 2013. This project will be carried out in the first few weeks of January 2014. We are hoping to raise 10 tons of rice. This will help 500 needy families (45lbs each). Two tons will be sent to help the poor people in Dac Lac (central Vietnam). The weather has not been cooperating in that area this year, and many families have been suffering from a lot of hardship, making the poor even poorer. If we can raise more money we will be sending more rice to Dac Lac. Please help us wrap this gift of love to them.
They are not blessed with much; any help at this point to them is like miracle from God. Thank you very much for lending us a hand in these humanitarian efforts.
August 28th, 2013
Dear friends,
July 27th, 2013
July 20th, 2013
Dear friends:
July 3rd, 2013
Dear friends,
Each year, our organization must acquire funding before our projects can become a reality. In the past, given our limited resources, our organization’s fundraising efforts would start one month before a project was expected to be finished. Unfortunately, this short thirty day fundraising period created problems for us. For many projects, a pledge of how much money we could raise was expected in advance so that our staff in Vietnam could visit the local schools and villages to compile a database of potential recipients. These pledges were necessary to establish rapport and ensure cooperation from the schools and villages involved and also allowed our staff in Vietnam to plan how to distribute the donations most efficiently. We had lucky months, in which donations would exceed our pledge and the extra funds would trickle down to help waitlisted recipients. We also had unlucky months, in which board members covered all losses out of pocket. We recognize that this strategy cannot last. Therefore, we are asking for you to help us implement a new method.
We are now seeking yearly commitments for our programs. If forced to choose, we would keep the notebook, bicycle and scholarship projects. Each scholarship is $400. Each bicycle is $60. Ten notebooks are $2.
These are the projects that provide admittance, access and the means to education. These are the three programs that will build the foundation to facilitate change within the country of Vietnam. The cost for one year of a college education can be the equivalent of a father’s annual salary—a cost many families cannot justify. A scholarship will provide admittance. Children in the village of Cồn Cao have to make a two hour hike to attend elementary school in the distant village of Cồn Mít. A bicycle for a child in Cồn Cao transforms the two hour hike into a breezy thirty minute commute. A bicycle will provide access. Ten notebooks will supply an entire year of paper for grade school students. That means ten notebooks have the ability to push a student from first grade to second grade—to push illiteracy out and literacy in. Ten notebooks will provide means.
The effects our programs have are not just speculative. We have documented the progress of eight college students whom we’ve sponsored since 2008. Like most other applicants, our eight students wrote that their interests were either in politics or military related. However, after just one year in college, their interests shifted. After one year of college schooling, the students realized that changing a country does not start with politics or warfare, but rather, by creating economic growth to allow Vietnam to compete with the rest of the world through advancements in technology that can increase productivity for agricultural exports such as rice. As a result, two of our students started as political science majors, but graduated as chemistry majors. One student is working on developing agricultural techniques. Another is learning how to make seafood processing more efficient. You can read the letters these students have written to us promising to use their education to build a new society in which they will try to continue to provide new hope for the future of Vietnam:
If you would like to help, please reply with the program name and the amount you wish to donate. Each year, we will send out an email reminder before collecting funds. This year, the bicycle project has concluded. We will begin the scholarship project in September.
Other projects where aggregation is not as big of a problem will remain the same (housing, feeding the elderly, rice distribution). Notifications will be sent one month before the project is carried out and donations will be collected during that time. If these projects do not receive enough support from our donors, we will cut them to focus our efforts on the three projects discussed earlier. Please let us know if you would like to commit a yearly donation to one of these other projects.
We are still seeking new funding from corporate sources. We will send a future email regarding our progress in this matter and welcome suggestions on whether to go forward.
Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy letter. Thank you for your support. Thank you for allowing us to continue to provide NewHope to the people of Vietnam.
**Thank you Andy Tran for translating this letter
Newsletter – April 21st, 2013
Dear Friends,
Family -Gia đình |
Sponsor -Người bảo trợ |
Nguyễn Thị Hằng Nga |
Gia Đình Bùi Đắc Hùm |
Nam-Phuong Le |
Newsletter – March 15th, 2013
Dear Friends,
Newsletter – February 6th, 2013
Dear friends,
Below is the year-end report of our income, expenses, and accomplishments
for 2012. These data will also be posted on our website under the Financial
Statement tab. Thank you all very much for your support to make all these
projects possible. Wish you all have a great Tet and a peaceful and prosperous
new year.
2012- Accomplishments' Summary:
** Awarded 16,360 notebooks to 1636 students in 12 schools
** Awarded 51 bicycles to the needy students in 4 schools
(50 from the annual Bicycle Project done in May 2012 and
1 from a special project done in August 2012)
** Built 26 houses for the homeless/needy families
** Awarded 25 scholarships to 25 students, $400 each
(8 freshmen, 8 sophomores, 6 juniors from main stream colleges
and 3 sophomores from techical colleges)
** Sponsored food for 80 needy elderly families ($50 each family)
** Distributed 13 tons of rice to 650 needy families (12 tons from the annual Rice Distribution done in Jan 2012 and 1 ton from the Dac Lac Special Project done in May 2012)
Here are the updates on our projects:
Rice Project:
Our Rice Project has just been completed. All pictures have been loaded. Thank you
everyone very much for lending a hand. Please click on the following link to view the pictures
of our rice distributions:
Housing Project: The cost to build a house of humanity has been increased to $1066.
Itemized of costs can be found in the following link:
We are currently building houses for the following families:
Âu Thị Châu | Gia Đình Bùi Đắc Hùm |
Kimberlee Chhun |
Nam-Phuong Le | |
Diễm-Uyên Ngô, Pharm D |
Trà Văn Đá | Ân Nhân Ẩn Danh |
Dear friends,
Dear friends,
Here are the updates to our Scholarship and Rice projects:
The college scholarship project has been completed.
Family- Gia đình |
Sponsor - Người bảo trợ |
Nguyễn Văn Hiếu | Ông Chu Thế Luyến |
Ngô Văn Út | Gia đình cụ Trần Văn Khắc |
Huỳnh Thị Nhị | Baker & Chu Family |
Nguyễn Thị Cầu | Lưu Trần Anh Kiệt |
Family- Gia đình | Sponsor - Người bảo trợ |
Đặng Văn Nguyên | Bùi Thủy Tiên, Tú Quang, Tú Vinh |
Huỳnh Văn Khéo | Ông Chu Thế Luyến |
Phạm Văn Nớt | Lưu Trần Anh Kiệt |
Collection begins now and will end on Dec 31st, 2012.
Due to the complication in tax reporting the Rice project in 2-yr span, we will end the donation on the
last day of December, so the Rice project can be reported within its entirety for 2012.
Thank you very much for your continuing support for our cause.
May God bless you and your family. Thank you very much for your time.
Dear Friends:
June 6th, 2012
We have just completed our 2012’s Notebook and Bicycle projects.
We are currently taking donation for these two programs:
We hope to get your support for these two projects. These students have been trying hard to get this far, and with your lending hand, they will be able to step up on the last step of their
journey. Please help the elderly, too. They have not been blessed with much. Your caring will warm their hearts.
Your donations from now until the end of September will be used to carry out these two projects. Thank you and may God bless you.
Address to send donation:
NewHope2008 ( Please make check payable to NewHope 2008 Charity Org)
P. O. Box 10635, Westminster, CA 92685
Total collected for this project: $5810
Total spent for bicycles: $55 each * 50 bicycles = $2750
Total spent for notebooks: $5810 – $2750 = $3060
Details for notebooks as follows:
13760 notebooks (4-line type), each costs 3700 vn dong =50,912,000 vn dong
2600 notebooks (5-line type), each costs 4700 vn dong = 12,220,000 vn dong
(Exchange rate): 1 us dollar = 20,630 vn dong
Total costs for notebooks : 63,132,000 vn dong = 3060 us dollars
Account balance: $5810 – $2750 for bicycles – $3060 for notebooks = 0
Dear friends,
Here are the updates on the Notebook and Bicycle project.
Dear friends,
It's time for our Notebook and Bicycle Project.
We will be distributing Notebooks and Bicycles to the needy students in the last week of
April. We are collecting for these two projects now. We are hoping to raise enough funds
for 100 bicycles and 25,000 notebooks.
The last day for contribution to this project is April 16th, 2012. We are very grateful for your
support last year and hope to get the same support this year.
Here is a link to our Notebook and Bicycle project done last year:
Dear Friends,
This is our 5th year anniversary—a long milestone to have passed through. For any business organization, perhaps this milestone represents a good solid standing, but for a nonprofit organization where there is no base income like us, it doesn’t have the same meaning. We still need your continuing support to sustain the existence of every single project that we have.
We would like to deeply thank you for your support for our Rice project this year. We have been able to raise 12 tons of rice and helped 600 needy families. Each got 20 kilos (about 44 lbs) of rice. These families are very appreciative. Some couldn’t hold their tears. They have asked us to pass their heartfelt thanks to all of you, our dear sponsors and friends.
Newsletter – November 18, 2011
Dear friends,Rice Distribution (to be carried out Jan 8th, 2012) |
10/14/2011 | Hieu Pham |
10/16/2011 | Melissa Le/t3 |
10/17/2011 | The Paxin family | |
11/5/2011 | Nguyen Mai Huong | |
11/5/2011 | Nguyen thi Van Anh |
11/7/2011 | Tiffany Thuy Le |
11/8/2011 | Gloria Hopper / Hopper Real Estate, Apple Valley | |
11/14/2011 | Hong Ha Nguyen/ Girard Nail & Skincare Salon, La Jolla | |
11/15/2011 | Trung Minh Tran | |
11/15/2011 | Phuong Tran (Tiffany's friend) | |
11/16/2011 | Gloria Hopper / Hopper Real Estate, Apple Valley | |
To-date funding for this project: | 1500 |
Dear friends,
Dear friends,
The Food-Assistance-For-The-Elderly project has just been completed.
We ended up helping 78 elderly families. All pictures have been loaded and write-up have been
done in both English and Vietnamese. Thank you very very much for your support to keep this
project alive. Here is the link to our website to view this project:
Here are the updates to other on-going projects:
Housing projects:
We are currently building the following houses:
Here are the updates for the projects we are working on:
Food Assistance for the Elderly:
We have raised enough funds to help 65 elderly families. This project is being carried out right now. It shall take about 2 weeks to do home delivery for all of these families. We will post pictures of the distribution when they become available.
Housing Project:
Phase II: We have completed all 8 houses in Phase II:
College Scholarships:
8 College Seniors: will be awarded after grade reports turned in
5 College Sophomores: will be awarded after grade reports turned in
9 incoming freshmen: will be awarded after passing the college entrance exam
Dear friends,
This is an update for the Food Assistance for the Elderly Project:
This project will be carried out in 3 weeks. The last day for donation to this project
is August 15th. If you would like to sponsor, please send your check now so we can
begin on time. We will be distributing rice & dry food and some spending money to 60
elderly families. The combination is $50 for each family. We will bring the goods to
each house. It will take about 2 weeks to complete as for some homes, there are
no roads even for the motocycle to get through, so we will have to travel partially on foot.
Funds needed to distribute for 60 families: $3000
Transportation cost to buy food and distributing to each family: $250
Cost to transfer $3250 to VN: $49
Total cost for this project: $3299
Total funding to-date: $2255
Funds needed to complete this project: $1044
Dear Friends,
Here are the update for the projects we are working on:
Food Assistance for the Elderly:
Will be carried out in the beginning of September. We are collecting donations now.
Last day to donate August 15th, 2011. These are the elderly who live alone
or living with families who are too poor to help them out. Some of them are still working
but not making ends meet. We will buy food and distribute to them at their home.
Each family will get $50 ($30 in food and $20 in spending money). Please visit our
website to view the same project we did last year for details. We are hoping to have
enough fund for 60 families. If more funding available, we will help more families. If
you are planning to donate, please send money now to help us begin this project on time. We have begun visiting each elderly family to verify their living condition and
economic needs. We have updated our website to-date:
College Scholarships:
8 College Seniors: will be awarded after grade reports turned in
5 College Sophomores: will be awarded after grade reports turned in
9 incoming freshmen: will be awarded after passing the college entrance exam
(3 more students have been sponsored).
Housing Project:
Phase II: We have completed 4 of the 7 houses built in Phase II:
Vo Van Ty, sponsored by Mr. Chu Thế Luyến
Truong Van Tri, sponsored by Ms. Nguyễn Thúy Huệ
Nguyen Van Lam, sponsored by Ms. Nguyễn Thúy Huệ
Nguyen Van Phuong, sponsored by The Loi Diep Family/Hansansan
The following houses will be done in a week or two:
Nguyen Van Yen, Sponsored by friends and relatives of Luu Anh Kiet
Tran Van E, sponsored by The Baker & The Chu family
Nguyen Thi Nghen, sponsored by Ms. Trần Thị Ngọc Tuyết
Phase III: New houses that have been sponsored and will be built:
Ngo Van Hong, sponsored by Mrs. Lê Thị Thao’s Memorial fund and Phạm Hữu Hiếu
Dang Van Ung, sponsored by Mrs. Lê Thị Thao’s Memorial fund and Diana Hồng Đức Pham
Pham Van Nho, sponsored by Mr. Tim Baker
Nguyễn Văn Lâm, sponsored by Ms. Chu Thanh Tâm and family
Annoucement about change in house's construction cost:
The price of materials and labor have been consistently going up, thus we can no longer
afford to build a house at $800. Starting now, it will be $1000. This is the minimum
to build a basic house as we described in our FAQ section. Please look at this section
to read our itemized cost for building a house.
Thank you for your time and wish you all have a beautiful day.
Dear Friends,
We have completed the Bicycles and Notebooks projects. All pictures have been loaded.
Bicycle Distribution 2011
Here are the projects we will be carrying out in this summer:
Next week, we will begin building the following 7 Humanity houses:
1. Nguyen Van Yen, Sponsored by friends and relatives of Luu Anh Kiet
2. Vo Van Ty, sponsored by Mr. Chu Thế Luyến
3. Nguyen Thi Nghen, sponsored by Ms. Trần Thị Ngọc Tuyết
4. Tran Van E, sponsored by The Baker & The Chu family
5. Truong Van Tri, sponsored by Ms. Nguyễn Thúy Huệ
6. Nguyen Van Lam, sponsored by Ms. Nguyễn Thúy Huệ
7. Nguyen Van Phuong, sponsored by The Loi Diep Family/Hansansan
Thank you for your time and wish you all have a beautiful day.
Dear Friends,
Finally we have raised enough funds to cover for our Bicycles and Notebooks project.
Thank you very much for contributing to our cause. To-date, we have completed
distributing the notebooks and bicycles to 9 schools. We have 8 more to go. When we have loaded all pictures and the write up, we will email to notify you. For those friends that had sponsored a house in our housing project, please check our website for updates. In-construction and completion pictures have been updated. There are two houses still being built. For those friends that just donated recently for a house, we will start building after the current two houses being built are done.
Dear friends,
We are just few days away from starting our notebooks and bicycles distribution.
We have come a long way in getting the $8800 needed to finance this project; however, we are still short of $678. Hopefully in the next few days we will make it.
We would like to thank you very much for supporting our cause. Friends like you are the main energy that keeps these humanitarian efforts going. Many of you reached out to families and even long lost friends to help us. We want you to know that we are very appreciative.
Thank you for your time and wish you all have a peaceful Easter Holiday.
Dear Friends,
We have collected nearly $6600 for this project, still a bit short of the $8800 needed.
We will start our distribution in 2 weeks. We need to get it done before the last day of school. If you are planning on donating, please send it in soon so we can complete this project on time. As a reminder, the money collected for this project will be used to buy 90 bicycles and 22,500 notebooks for the needy students in 17 schools ranging from kindergarten to Junior High. We have come to each of the 90 bicycle recipients' house to take picture and have posted them on our website. We hope to have your support to raise enough funds for this project. If you know of someone who would like to help, please help pass the words.
Dear friends,
This is an update to our Bicycles and Notebooks project for summer 2011.
This year we will be distributing 22,500 notebooks and 90 bicycles to the poor students from 17 schools ranging from kindergarten to Junior High in 2 counties Ben Tre and Tay Ninh. We will distribute 18,400 notebooks and 50 bicycles to Ben Tre and 4100 notebooks and 40 bicycles to Tay Ninh. We need $8800 US dollars to fund this project.
If you are planning on helping, please send your donation now. We will begin distribution in Tay Ninh in the first week of May, and Ben Tre in the week after.
The last day to contribute for this project is April 25th, 2011.
This year there are some changes in the requirement of the notebooks used for
elementary students. Some grade levels need to use the new 5-line notebooks
which are thicker and more expensive. Each county has different requirement.
Ben Tre requires grade 1, 2, and 3 to use this new notebooks while Tay Ninh
requires all grade levels from 1st to 5th. The cost for each new notebook is 4800
Vietnamese dong (about 23 cents). The cost for the current 4-line notebook is
3500 dong (about 17 cents). The cost for each bicycle is $50 us dollars.
We have begun putting pictures of students needing bicycles on our website.
We will come to 90 houses to take pictures. These are the first ones.
We will post more as they become available.
Please take a look to see who we are helping. We came to each of these student’s house to verify their living condition after we got the lists of needy students from the principal.
Here is the list of schools that we will be giving notebooks and bicycles to:
From Thanh Phu district in Ben Tre county:
1. Thanh Phong Kindergarten, 80 students, all need 5-line notebooks
2. Thanh Phong A Elementary,190 (45 need 5-line notebooks, 145 regular), 10 bicycles
3. Thanh Phong B Elementary,100 (40 need 5-line notebooks, 60 regular), 15 bicycles
4. Giao Thanh Elementary,140 (40 need 5-line notebooks, 100 regular)
5. An Thuan Elementary, 140 (60 need 5-line notebooks, 80 regular)
6. Hoa Lơi Kindergarten, 70 (All 5-line notebooks
7. Binh Thanh Junior High, 150 regular notebooks, 15 bicyles
8. Thanh Phu Junior High, 140 regular notebooks
9. Quoi Dien Junior High, 130 regular notebooks
10.Thạnh Phong Junior High, 140 regular notebooks, 10 bicycles
From district Mõ Cày Bắc, Bến Tre county:
11. Thanh An Elementary, 120 (42 need 5-line notebooks, 78 regular)
12. Tan Thanh Binh Elementary, 130 (45 need 5-line notebooks, 85 regular)
13. Thanh An Junior High, 120 regular notebooks
From district Châu Thành, Bến Tre county:
14. Tan Thạch Junior High, 120 regular notebooks
From district Tân Hòa, Tây Ninh county:
15. Tan Hoa Kindergarten, 100, all 5-line notebooks
16. Tan Hoa Elementary, 160 (129 need 5-line notebooks, 31 regular), 20 bicycles
Other projects’ updates:
Housing Project:
We are still building the 5 houses for Pham Van Binh, Luong Thi Ca, Tran Thi
Bay, Huynh Van Giang and Nguyen Van Nhu. Updated pictures of the construction process have been updated.
College Scholarship Project
We have given the 2nd half of the award to the 5 freshmen students in our trip to Vietnam in January. A report of the award ceremony and the meeting with
them will be posted up soon (still writing). In this summer, around July, we will
be given scholarship awards to 8 college seniors, 5 college sophomores, and 6
new coming freshmen. If there are more funding, we will be looking at awarding
students in two--year colleges, too.
Special Projects:
A few families asked for help. Will post the pictures up soon.
Food Assistance for The Elderly
We will carry out this project in August. You can send in donation now.
Please specify the project if you specifically want the money goes into a certain Project.
Checking Tax Exemption Status of a charitable organization:
Here is how to find our organization in the IRS website. You can search for any Tax deductible organization in here. In case you don’t get our receipt, your cancelled check can serve as your receipt:
NewHope2008 website update:
We have done writing the tab “Get Involved”. Please check it out for ways you can help us. We have moved Mr. Tran Tu Giac’s and Mrs Le Thi Thao’s In Memoriam to the Special Projects section.