2010 - Phát tập cho các em nghèo của trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Tân Phong


2010 NoteBooks Distribution - Tan Phong Middle School

We recently (September 2010) distributed notebooks to Thanh Phong Middle School. This school missed in our offering in May.  They came and asked for help.  VN team called and Ms Thy Tran accepted to help since it's just one school.

This is a middle school (junior high), one of the poorer schools in the district. Last time we did stopped by this school, but the official who's supposed to answer the questions we needed wasn't available, so we passed and went to the next school.

Since there were many schools to give and we didn't even raise enough then, we decided not coming back to that school. That was why we missed them in our offering in May.


Thư cảm tạ – Letter of appreciation from the principal

Danh sách 180 em nhận quà – List of 180 needy students:


Phát tập cho các em nghèo của trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Tân Phong