NewHope2008 Nonprofit Corporation - C3152154
P. O. Box 10635, Westminster, CA 92685
2008 - Revenue and Expense Summary Rceived Spent  Balance
  (from incorporated date of 8/26/2008 to 12/31/2008)      
12/31/08 Donations received from the Housing Project 750 750 0
12/31/08 Donation received for Bicycles and Notebooks Project 500 500 0
12/31/08 Donation received for Food Projects 1350 1350 0
12/31/08 Donation received for College Scholarship Project 8000 8000 0
12/31/08 Donation received for the Rice Project to be carried out in 2009 2495 0 2495
12/31/08 Total donations received in 2008 13095
12/31/08 Total spent in 2008 for all projects 10600
12/31/08 Balance carried forward to Rice project of 2009: 2495
2008 - Accomplishments 
Distributed 4 tons of rice to 200 needy families
Built 28 houses for the homeless/desperate
Awarded 58 bicycles to the needy students
Awarded 11,270 notebooks & 1142 pens to 751 needy students
Awarded 412 Best students in 103 classes
Awarded scholarships to 8 college freshmen, $1000 each
Awarded annual tuition for 110 elementary students